I want to know how many buckets I have in my indexing clustered environment, both the total count of all buckets and how many of them are unique.
On the cluster master, the following search provides answers to both questions.
| rest splunk_server=local /services/cluster/master/peers
| stats sum(bucket_count) AS bucket_count_all
| eval bucket_count = round(bucket_count_all / 1000 / 1000,2)."M"
| eval replication_factor =
[| rest splunk_server=local /services/cluster/config
| return $replication_factor ]
| eval unique = round(bucket_count_all / replication_factor / 1000 / 1000,2)."M"
| fields bucket_count unique
| rename bucket_count AS "Total Buckets", unique AS "Unique Buckets"
On the cluster master, the following search provides answers to both questions.
| rest splunk_server=local /services/cluster/master/peers
| stats sum(bucket_count) AS bucket_count_all
| eval bucket_count = round(bucket_count_all / 1000 / 1000,2)."M"
| eval replication_factor =
[| rest splunk_server=local /services/cluster/config
| return $replication_factor ]
| eval unique = round(bucket_count_all / replication_factor / 1000 / 1000,2)."M"
| fields bucket_count unique
| rename bucket_count AS "Total Buckets", unique AS "Unique Buckets"
Excellent, thx! 2 follow-ups: 1) Does S2 change this search at all? 2) Which of the numbers is applicable to the 5m bucket suggested limit?
1) Nope, I did my testing for this on an SmartStore enabled stack.
2) The bucket limits are Splunk version dependent. The 5m bucket limit I'm aware of is from 6.6 -> 7.1 and it's 5M unique buckets, 15M total buckets (with default RF=3). So both values may apply.