I try to modify the flashtimeline to remove the app dropdown list on the right hand side upper corner or just leave Getting Started, Home and Search apps in there. I cannot find which module and what parameter i should use.
Thanks in advance.
it works . Thanks you so much
"Accept" the answer then..it helps out splunkbase.Thanks.
The Advanced XML Module is "Splunk.Module.AccountBar"
You can remove the app dropdown with something like :
<module name="AccountBar" layoutPanel="appHeader">
<param name="mode">lite</param>
Or , if you want to keep the dropdown, 2 ways come to mind for limiting the apps displayed in the dropdown :
Where does the below need adding to? Tried adding to the Navigation menus xml but hasn't worked.
it will be great if you can provide both methods. Thanks
Are you trying to remove the actual App link from the view or just not show vertain apps in that App menu?