I had the exact same problem. I think your xml code has to start with the panel-element. My xml started with some xml comment, which narrowed down my edit options in Splunk UI.
This is the correct answer
most likely the dashboard have been converted to an html dashboard.. is "edit source" and "edit permissions" available?!
if none is available you might have lost permissions to write the dashboard.
It can seem be due by the search number concurrent. Because, the maximum number of concurrent searches is 8.
The first thing I'd try would be to restart the Splunk instance, it might have just disappeared due to a bug or something, rebooting the system usually helps reset things like this
Please provide more detail in the form of;
Hi Markthomson,
I created 12 panels in 4 row with 4 drilldown operation.before creating a 4th one it was there.after creating that 4th one it is not avilable there.
Can you please provide a screenshot of your dashboard, so that we can see it?
Unfortunately it's just showing as a broken image
We cannot see localhost as it's running on your machine, please take a picture using Snipping Tool
yes i tried but here i am not able to attch those file.it is showing an error message that i already said.
Hi Madhan,
If you use a website such as www.tinypic.com
You can upload your image there, and it will provide you with a link for you to put here, and then we just load up that link and it will display the image.