Hi all, Since v9.3 there seem to be a different method for displaying nav menus. When you update the tag <label> tag of a view from external editor, those changes are not updated in navigation until a local storage object is deleted. /debug/refresh or restart splunk doesn't refresh the navigation. I was able to to update navigation when deleting the following object -> chrome -> developer tools -> applications -> "local storage" -> splunk-appnav:MYAPP:admin:en-GB:UUID containing the following datastructure.. {
"nav": [
"label": "Search",
"uri": "/en-GB/app/testapp/search",
"viewName": "search",
"isDefault": true
"label": "testview",
"uri": "/en-GB/app/testapp/testview",
"viewName": "testview"
"color": null,
"searchView": "search",
"lastModified": 1727698963355
} I'm wondering why content of the nav is now saved on client side. This is a different behaviour than on v9.1 and v9.2. If i need to guess, they tried to improve response time of the webui. But how do i ensure that every user is receiving the latest version of navigation menu in an app? Best regards, Andreas
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