I am attempting to parse the results from a search using the python sdk.
I can successfully run a search against splunk and return the results via xml output.
#!c:/Python26/python.exe -u
import splunk.client as client
import sys, datetime
from pprint import pprint
HOST = ""
PORT = 8090
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "aaaaaaaa"
service = client.connect(
oldtime = datetime.datetime.now()
search = 'search index="firewall_rules" table=rule disable=no | dedup name,host |table host,name,rulegroup,appcode,_time | head 2'
job = service.jobs.create(search, exec_mode="blocking")
#job = service.jobs.create(search)
while True:
stats = job.read('isDone')
if stats['isDone'] == str(1):
content = str(job.results(output_mode='xml'))
print "Output: %s" % content
Output: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<results preview='0'>
<result offset='0'>
<field k='host'>
<field k='name'>
<value><text>'Deny All'</text></value>
<field k='rulegroup'>
<field k='_time'>
<result offset='1'>
<field k='host'>
<field k='name'>
<field k='rulegroup'>
<field k='appcode'>
<field k='_time'>
Elapsed Time: 0:00:04.500000
I have attempted to parse the xml output into a structure that I can use to insert into another system (mysql). I have tried xmlminidom and etree without success, is there an easier way to access the values with python?
Here is my latest attempt at using the sdk, python.. SplunkDev helped out a great deal with this.
#!c:/Python26/python.exe -u
import splunk.client as client
import splunk.results as results
import sys, datetime
from pprint import pprint
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 8090
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "abc123"
service = client.connect(
# ----------------------------------------
oldtime = datetime.datetime.now()
search = 'search index="sidewinder_rules" table=rule disable=no earliest=-8d| dedup name,cluster |table cluster,name,rulegroup,sourcetype,appcode,_time'
job = service.jobs.create(search, exec_mode="blocking", max_count=5000)
job_results = job.results(count=0, output_mode="xml")
reader = results.ResultsReader(job_results)
num_results = 0;
for kind, result in reader:
if kind == results.RESULT:
host = result.get("cluster", 0)
rulegroup = result.get("rulegroup", 0)
name = result.get("name", 0)
sourcetype = result.get("sourcetype", 0)
appcode = result.get("appcode", 0)
newtime = datetime.datetime.now()
print "Elapsed Time: %s" % (newtime - oldtime)
Still have to make some improvements as suggested by splunkDev but it functions for my needs.
It also gets more than the default 100 rows when returning results (count=0) and sets a limit of 5000 rows.
You can change the output mode to csv which will parse it for you.
import splunklib.client as client
import splunklib.results as results
import csv
service = client.connect(
query= """search {+enter your query here}"""
results_kwargs = {
"earliest_time": "-30min",
# or "earliest_time": datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 29).isoformat()
"latest_time": "now",
"search_mode": "normal",
"output_mode": "csv"
oneshotsearch_results = service.jobs.oneshot(query, **results_kwargs)
f=open('myresults.csv', 'w')
Here is my latest attempt at using the sdk, python.. SplunkDev helped out a great deal with this.
#!c:/Python26/python.exe -u
import splunk.client as client
import splunk.results as results
import sys, datetime
from pprint import pprint
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 8090
USERNAME = "admin"
PASSWORD = "abc123"
service = client.connect(
# ----------------------------------------
oldtime = datetime.datetime.now()
search = 'search index="sidewinder_rules" table=rule disable=no earliest=-8d| dedup name,cluster |table cluster,name,rulegroup,sourcetype,appcode,_time'
job = service.jobs.create(search, exec_mode="blocking", max_count=5000)
job_results = job.results(count=0, output_mode="xml")
reader = results.ResultsReader(job_results)
num_results = 0;
for kind, result in reader:
if kind == results.RESULT:
host = result.get("cluster", 0)
rulegroup = result.get("rulegroup", 0)
name = result.get("name", 0)
sourcetype = result.get("sourcetype", 0)
appcode = result.get("appcode", 0)
newtime = datetime.datetime.now()
print "Elapsed Time: %s" % (newtime - oldtime)
Still have to make some improvements as suggested by splunkDev but it functions for my needs.
It also gets more than the default 100 rows when returning results (count=0) and sets a limit of 5000 rows.
Great! http://dev.splunk.com is cool.
There is an example here:
You might find useful using xmlDoc