We have a simple XML dashboard in our splunk implementation which works fine when browsing splunk web.
We embedded this dashboard in another web through an iframe like follows:
<iframe src="https://Splunk-Server:8000/account/insecurelogin?username=USER&password=PASWROD&return_to=/app/My-App/Dashboard-to-embed"></iframe>
This works fine on firefox, but chrome doesn't load it.
We suspect that chrome is blocking the iframe contents because it won't load splunk's cookies in a third-party web-page, as per this article: https://blog.heroku.com/chrome-changes-samesite-cookie
In short, we don't know how to configure splunk's cookie flags to allow them being loaded cross-domain. (SameSite=None, Secure)
Or really, if this is the problem at all...
We would apreciate any help you can provide. Thank you.
I know this is an old post, but did you ever figure out how to get this to work? I am having the same problem.
It's been very long and my memory may be wrong but I think what solved this were some simple configurations in the web.conf file.
x_frame_options_sameorigin = false
verifyCookiesWorkDuringLogin = false
dashboard_html_allowed_domains = XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX,*.your-domain.com
Where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is some IP. It accepts wildcards.
I recommend you take a look at the docs about these settings before taking my word for it.
Hope I was able to help. Good Luck.