I have a dashboard that is only accessible via drilldown. When drilldown occurs, a hostname is passed to this dashboard, and all filters are set to invisible using the "depends" attribute.
I need to set the title of the dashboard (not a panel within the dashboard, but the dashboard itself) as the hostname that was passed to it. Here's the code I have so far, this is not currently working. Instead, Splunk is presenting the literal text "$server$". Can anyone please help?
<label>Windows Monitor > $server$</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="text" token="server" depends="$thisTokenDoesNotExist$"></input>
So when the token passed is "form.server=MYSERVER", I want the dashboard label to display as:
Windows Monitor > MYSERVER
@Haybuck15 refer to one of my older answers with a workaround where you would need to
1) Hide the Dashboard Title
2) Move the input to a new panel
3) Create html panel with dashboard title and use token from input.
Please try out and confirm!
I have never been able to get this to work.
niketnilay actually managed to give me a totally usable workaround, I've already checked it off as the accepted answer. That might help you out too!
@Haybuck15 refer to one of my older answers with a workaround where you would need to
1) Hide the Dashboard Title
2) Move the input to a new panel
3) Create html panel with dashboard title and use token from input.
Please try out and confirm!
That worked perfectly first shot! I also never realized you could have part HTML and part Simple XML in a panel, for some reason I'd always thought you had to mark that the entire panel was HTML for it to read ANY HTML, no idea why I had that notion.
Thank you so much!