We have a dashboard and wanted to add timepicker into this but it's not working since the following base search has earliest and latest it's hard coded. I'm wondering if we have any other way to add time picker by substituting the earliest and latest with something and also improve the speed of the dahboard ? Here is the query
index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-0d@d latest=now| bin _time span=5m
| stats dc(ecn) as Current by _time
| appendcols [ search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-7d@d latest=-6d@d |eval _time=_time+60*60*24*7
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as LastWeek by _time ]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-14d@d latest=-13d@d
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as TwoWeeksAgo by _time]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-21d@d latest=-20d@d
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as ThreeWeeksAgo by _time]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-28d@d latest=-27d@d
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as FourWeeksAgo by _time]
| eval AvgOfFourWeeks=(LastWeek+TwoWeeksAgo+ThreeWeeksAgo+FourWeeksAgo)/4
| eval Diff1=LastWeek-Current | eval Diff2=AvgOfFourWeeks-Current
| eval Est_Impact= Diff1-Diff2
| fields _time Current LastWeek AvgOfFourWeeks Diff1 Diff2 Est_Impact
This one works fine when we change the xml code for time input
Dashboard Name
<input type="time" token="time_finder" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Time Picker</label>
<eval token="earliestTime">if(isstr(earliest), relative_time(now(),earliest), earliest)</eval>
<eval token="latestTime">if(isstr(latest), relative_time(now(),latest), latest)</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime1">relative_time(earliestTime,"-7d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime1">relative_time(latestTime,"-7d")</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime2">relative_time(earliestTime,"-14d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime2">relative_time(latestTime,"-14d")</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime3">relative_time(earliestTime,"-21d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime3">relative_time(latestTime,"-21d")</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime4">relative_time(earliestTime,"-28d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime4">relative_time(latestTime,"-28d")</eval>
This one works fine when we change the xml code for time input
Dashboard Name
<input type="time" token="time_finder" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Time Picker</label>
<eval token="earliestTime">if(isstr(earliest), relative_time(now(),earliest), earliest)</eval>
<eval token="latestTime">if(isstr(latest), relative_time(now(),latest), latest)</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime1">relative_time(earliestTime,"-7d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime1">relative_time(latestTime,"-7d")</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime2">relative_time(earliestTime,"-14d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime2">relative_time(latestTime,"-14d")</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime3">relative_time(earliestTime,"-21d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime3">relative_time(latestTime,"-21d")</eval>
<eval token="earliestTime4">relative_time(earliestTime,"-28d")</eval>
<eval token="latestTime4">relative_time(latestTime,"-28d")</eval>
If you need the particulars of the timepicker in your search, you can add | addinfo
and reference info_min_time
and info_max_time
@woodcock : Is it possible to provide the xml code /example that you can share according to my previous comments of this question?
Thank you
I do not at all understand your need so I cannot help further unless you explain more clearly.
@woodcock : Does this info help?
I have a dashbaord using the following query . The dashboard should display results of current, last 7 days ,14 days ,21 days, and 28 days in one panel. That is the reason I used earliest ,latest and appendcol
On top of it I'm looking to add a time picker to select specific day/time say yesterday or 2 days ago also improve the speed of my dashboard Performance
index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-0d@d latest=now| bin _time span=5m
| stats dc(ecn) as Current by _time
| appendcols [ search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-7d@d latest=-6d@d |eval _time=_time+60*60*24*7
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as LastWeek by _time ]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-14d@d latest=-13d@d
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as TwoWeeksAgo by _time]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-21d@d latest=-20d@d
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as ThreeWeeksAgo by _time]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=-28d@d latest=-27d@d
| bin _time span=5m |stats dc(ecn) as FourWeeksAgo by _time]
| eval AvgOfFourWeeks_SameDay=(LastWeek+TwoWeeksAgo+ThreeWeeksAgo+FourWeeksAgo)/4
| eval Diff1=LastWeek-Current | eval Diff2=AvgOfFourWeeks-Current
| eval Est_Impact= Diff1-Diff2
| fields _time Current LastWeek AvgOfFourWeeks_SameDay Diff1 Diff2 Est_Impact
Thank you
Like this:
1: Remove the earliest=
and latest=
from the search SPL.
2: Click Edit
on the GUI.
3: Click + Add Input
and select Time
4: Go to the panel that needs to be controlled by the Timepicker
and click on Edit search
(the magnifying glass
5: In the Time Range
setting, click on the options and select Shared Time Picker
6: Click Apply
7: Click Save
Hi @woodcock, Thank you for your reply
The dashboard should display results of current, last 7 days ,14 days ,21 days, and 28 days in one panel. That is the reason I used earliest/latest and appendcol
On top of it I'm looking to add a time picker to select specific day/time say yesterday or 2 days ago
Hi @iamsplunker31, you'll want to add a time picker for the user to be able to choose the day. Then you can explicitly reference the time picker using the tokens, but add relative time modifiers after each token as needed, like this.
<label>Test Search</label>
<fieldset submitButton="false">
<input type="time" token="time">
<query>index=foo sourcetype=xyz | bin _time span=5m | stats dc(ecn) as Current by _time
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=$time.earliest$-7d@d latest=$time.latest$-7d@d | bin _time span=5m | stats dc(ecn) as LastWeek by _time]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=$time.earliest$-14d@d latest=$time.latest$-14d@d | bin _time span=5m | stats dc(ecn) as TwoWeeksAgo by _time]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=$time.earliest$-21d@d latest=$time.latest$-21d@d | bin _time span=5m | stats dc(ecn) as ThreeWeeksAgo by _time]
| appendcols [search index=foo sourcetype=xyz earliest=$time.earliest$-28d@d latest=$time.latest$-28d@d | bin _time span=5m | stats dc(ecn) as FourWeeksAgo by _time]
| eval AvgOfFourWeeks=(LastWeek+TwoWeeksAgo+ThreeWeeksAgo+FourWeeksAgo)/4
| eval Diff1=LastWeek-Current | eval Diff2=AvgOfFourWeeks-Current
| eval Est_Impact= Diff1-Diff2</query>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
This is the simplest option. You could improve on the efficiency of this search by combining the appendcols into a single base search. However, you'd have to use streamstats or some other way to differentiate between the weeks so you can do math between them. I'll think on this one some more.
Hi @aaronbarry73 , Thank you for your reply.
The dashboard should display results of current, last 7 days ,14 days ,21 days, and 28 days in one panel. That is the reason I used earliest/latest and appendcol
On top of it I'm looking to add a time picker to select specific day/time say yesterday or 2 days ago. Initially I tried adding the token in the xml code like this.
but it's not working. If we remove the earliest and latest in the base search we will not see the results for respective days.
I was wondering we need to convert the earliest/latest time into strp time in the search. I'm looking for modification of my query and improve my dashboard speed
Hi @iamsplunker31, you're right, my answer was lacking. I made some edits to account for the different time ranges needed throughout the search. Does this help?
Hi @aaronbarry73 , I tried using the code above, while loading the dashboard it's throwing an error
Invalid Value "1570680000"-7d@d for time term latest