I'm not sure why the below search works fine on the search page but gives "Search did not return any events." in the dashboard. (In Search page I'm using single $ sign)
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | search disabled=0 is_scheduled=1 | eval encodedtitle=title | eval encodedtitle=urlencode | replace " " with "%20", "," with "%2C", "'" with "%27" in urlencode encodedtitle | rename "alert.severity" as severity, "dispatch.earliest_time" as earliest_time, "dispatch.latest_time" as latest_time, "eai:acl.app" as app | fields title, encodedtitle, disabled, severity, cron_schedule, description, earliest_time, latest_time, app, is_scheduled, next_scheduled_time, triggered_alert_count
| map maxsearches=1000 search="| rest /servicesNS/-/-/alerts/fired_alerts/$$encodedtitle$$ | dedup savedsearch_name sortby -trigger_time | table trigger_time_rendered, trigger_time | eval title=$$title$$, disabled=$$disabled$$, severity=$$severity$$, cron_schedule=$$cron_schedule$$, description=$$description$$, earliest_time=$$earliest_time$$, latest_time=$$latest_time$$, app=$$app$$, is_scheduled=$$is_scheduled$$, next_scheduled_time=$$next_scheduled_time$$, triggered_alert_count=$$triggered_alert_count$$"
| append [| makeresults | eval test="test"]
What is more surprising is, in the dashboard, even the value with make results is not showing. And there is no errors in the search.log.
I'm using Splunk version
I figured out a work-around:
Instead of using the map command and rest endpoint, I've used below search with the append command.
index=_internal sourcetype="scheduler" component="SavedSplunker"
And at the end, I'm using stats to get what I need.
Something like:
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | search disabled=0 is_scheduled=1 | rename "alert.severity" as severity, "dispatch.earliest_time" as earliest_time, "dispatch.latest_time" as latest_time, "eai:acl.app" as app | fields title, disabled, severity, cron_schedule, description, earliest_time, latest_time, app, is_scheduled, next_scheduled_time, triggered_alert_count
| append [| search index=_internal sourcetype="scheduler" component="SavedSplunker" | rename savedsearch_name as title]
| stats first(*) as * by title
I figured out a work-around:
Instead of using the map command and rest endpoint, I've used below search with the append command.
index=_internal sourcetype="scheduler" component="SavedSplunker"
And at the end, I'm using stats to get what I need.
Something like:
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches | search disabled=0 is_scheduled=1 | rename "alert.severity" as severity, "dispatch.earliest_time" as earliest_time, "dispatch.latest_time" as latest_time, "eai:acl.app" as app | fields title, disabled, severity, cron_schedule, description, earliest_time, latest_time, app, is_scheduled, next_scheduled_time, triggered_alert_count
| append [| search index=_internal sourcetype="scheduler" component="SavedSplunker" | rename savedsearch_name as title]
| stats first(*) as * by title
Since encodedtitle is not an input token, you don't need double $. Try single $ throughout the map command.
Single $ gives " Search is waiting for input...".
(As you can see I've all the values from the results only no dashboard inputs/filters)
Hi @VatsalJagani,
" Search is waiting for input..." means that at least one of the tokens hasn't a value.
Check the names of all tokens, maybe there's one non correct (they are case sensivite!)
A question: where do you take the tokens, from inputs or from a drilldown?
You have to use $ only if you take these values from inputs or drilldowns.
if you want to take tokens from the first part of search, you don't need $ (single or double).
In the dashboard it shows "Search is waiting for input...", but when I click on "Open in Search" on that panel it shows correct result.
$ is being used to get values in from the first part of search to map command search.