Hello ,
I realy hope you can help me !! 🙂
I have a json from API request (dynatrace).
I would like to have the value agent version for each host
How can i do this ?
My command :
***index="dynatrace_hp" "agentVersion.major"="*" "agentVersion.major"="*" "agentVersion.minor"="*" esxiHostName="*" | stats values(esxiHostName, ) values(agentVersion.minor)***
Thx for you Help !!!
Try the below SPL command
index="dynatrace_hp" "agentVersion.major"="*" "agentVersion.major"="*" "agentVersion.minor"="*" esxiHostName="*" | stats values(agentVersion.minor) by esxiHostName
thx for your help !
I have difficulty having the agents version for each hosts I am looking for the command to do this
Try the below SPL command
index="dynatrace_hp" "agentVersion.major"="*" "agentVersion.major"="*" "agentVersion.minor"="*" esxiHostName="*" | stats values(agentVersion.minor) by esxiHostName
works thx you very much have a good day !
Hi @incoghnito_1,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking.
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉
Hi @incoghnito_1,
let me understand: have you problems in field extractions or in the stats command?
in other words, if you run the main search (without the stats command), have you the fields to use in the stats command or not?
if not you could use the "spath" command or a regex to exctract the needed fields fields.