Hello folks;
I have a multiselect for my Clients.
I have a timechart where I can select 1 or more clients to get their average download speeds over a period of time...days, weeks, months, etc.
| timechart span=1d avg(DN_Mbps) as Avg_Download by client_name
I would like to show spikes (would that be a trendline?) in the data for each of the clients I choose - whether it is 1 or 2 or 10 clients.
How can I do this?
What criteria are you using to determine what a spike is
That's a good question Whisperer...
I haven't quite gotten to that point but it is important.
Let's just say as an example, a 10% increase over the past week....I can nail it down better once I see the data.
Thank you for replying !