I recently saw a reference in slides from .conf 2016 (https://conf.splunk.com/files/2016/slides/dashboard-wizardry.pdf, slide 16) that suggests one can reference a specific token namespace in SimpleXML, e.g., $submitted:mytoken$
or $default:mytoken$
Initial searches for documentation came up empty, and simple tests in 6.4 seem to fail.
Can anyone clarify if this is supported, what versions support it, and if there is some documentation?
My own testing has determined the following:
and $submitted:...
, to get token values.My own testing has determined the following:
and $submitted:...
, to get token values.Note sure where in the other docs it might be, but here's a couple of references...
Walkthrough of the autogenerated HTML dashboard code:
Thread with a couple of good references...
Thank you for digging, but these are not applicable. I am very comfortable with token namepscaes in JS and HTML and their general underpinnings. The question is specifically about referencing tokens by their namespace in SimpleXML, which seems to be a feature with no documentation or clarification in terms of where it can be used.
I highly recommend installing Splunk 6.x Dashboard Examples app which has many good examples with sample codes.
I do not see anything in that app or in the documentation that addresses my original question. If you can, please be more specific in regards to what I am missing that addresses my specific question about referencing the token namespaces directly in the SimpleXML token values, e.g., $submittied:mytoken$. Please point it out if I am missing something.