Dashboards & Visualizations

How to get the runtime of a dashboard?



I want to find out which dashboards take a long time to load. So I would like to have a table which shows the runtimes/searchtimes for all dashboards being opened by any user.

It should look something like this:

time                  dashboard          user    runtime (in seconds)
2020-05-22 10:02:00   sample_dashboard   admin   15
2020-05-22 10:01:00   sample_dashboard   admin   20
2020-05-22 10:00:00   sample_dashboard2  user    5

I found two answers from 2016 and 2017 which do not work. (The first one returns empty and the second one lists searches instead of dashboards.)

Can anybody help?

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1 Solution


To answer my own question, I found that the REST endpoint /services/search/jobs contains a lot of useful information.

Searching for rest /services/search/jobs will list all past Splunk searches (similar to the Activity/Jobs view). I found that a search from a dasboard will have the "provenance" field like this: UI:Dashboard:sample_simple_dashboard. So I can extract the name of a dashboard for all dashboard searches.

One difficulty in determining the runtime of a dashboard is that there is no clear endtime. A user can select various inputs and time windows on a dashboard which will continuously trigger new searches.

Luckely, there is the "published" field which tells when a search was triggered. So I can group together dashboard searches based on the "published" field.

This is the search i created:

| rest /services/search/jobs
| rename dispatchState as Status eai:acl.app as App title as Search author as User runDuration as Runtime published as Published id as ID provenance as Provenance
| rex field=Provenance "UI:Dashboard:(?<Dashboard>.+)" | search Dashboard=*
| rex field=ID "(?<JobId>[^//]*)$"
| table App,Dashboard,User,Published,Runtime,Status
| stats sum(Runtime) as Runtime count as searches values(Status) as Status by App,Dashboard,User,Published
| eval Status=mvjoin(mvsort(mvdedup(split(mvjoin(Status,","),","))),",")
| eval Runtime=round(Runtime,1)
| sort 0 -Published

alt text

View solution in original post


To answer my own question, I found that the REST endpoint /services/search/jobs contains a lot of useful information.

Searching for rest /services/search/jobs will list all past Splunk searches (similar to the Activity/Jobs view). I found that a search from a dasboard will have the "provenance" field like this: UI:Dashboard:sample_simple_dashboard. So I can extract the name of a dashboard for all dashboard searches.

One difficulty in determining the runtime of a dashboard is that there is no clear endtime. A user can select various inputs and time windows on a dashboard which will continuously trigger new searches.

Luckely, there is the "published" field which tells when a search was triggered. So I can group together dashboard searches based on the "published" field.

This is the search i created:

| rest /services/search/jobs
| rename dispatchState as Status eai:acl.app as App title as Search author as User runDuration as Runtime published as Published id as ID provenance as Provenance
| rex field=Provenance "UI:Dashboard:(?<Dashboard>.+)" | search Dashboard=*
| rex field=ID "(?<JobId>[^//]*)$"
| table App,Dashboard,User,Published,Runtime,Status
| stats sum(Runtime) as Runtime count as searches values(Status) as Status by App,Dashboard,User,Published
| eval Status=mvjoin(mvsort(mvdedup(split(mvjoin(Status,","),","))),",")
| eval Runtime=round(Runtime,1)
| sort 0 -Published

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To add, I'm not sure if there's a significant difference if you'll not use the runtime of the searches itself.

Check this out also:

0 Karma


Those two answers were created using older versions of Splunk and no doubt will require tweaking to work with your version.
Dashboards are just collections of searches so having a list of searches is not all bad.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma
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