Dashboards & Visualizations

How to generate search from dashboard input with variable number of values?

New Member

This seems to be a very simple requirement, but I'm unable to find a solution: I built a dashboard where the user enters an ip address which will then be used in a search like:


Now what I need is a way to search for 1 or more ip addresses. So, if the user enters "" then the following search must be generated:

(dest= OR dest=  OR dest=

Is there a way to do this?

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1 Solution


You can edit the value of the text field with a subquery.

index=XXX [search noop|stats count | eval dest="$ip$"|eval dest=split(dest," ") |table dest]|・・・・
index=XXX [| noop|stats count | eval dest="$ip$"|eval dest=split(dest," ") |mvexpand dest|fields dest] |・・・・
(It still worked)
index=XXX [| noop|stats count | eval dest="$ip$"|eval dest=split(dest," ") |fields dest] |・・・・

View solution in original post

0 Karma


For an explanation of how HiroshiSatoh's answer works, see the "format" command.


0 Karma


You can edit the value of the text field with a subquery.

index=XXX [search noop|stats count | eval dest="$ip$"|eval dest=split(dest," ") |table dest]|・・・・
index=XXX [| noop|stats count | eval dest="$ip$"|eval dest=split(dest," ") |mvexpand dest|fields dest] |・・・・
(It still worked)
index=XXX [| noop|stats count | eval dest="$ip$"|eval dest=split(dest," ") |fields dest] |・・・・

0 Karma

New Member

Ah, but now it's getting more complicated. I need to search for the address list in src AND dest fields, so I tried:

[search noop | stats count | eval src="$cidr" | eval src=split(src, " "), dest=split(src, " ") |
 table src, dest ]

But it only returns events where src matches. And this:

[search noop | stats count | eval src="$cidr",dest="$cidr"
 | eval src=split(src, " "), dest=split(dest, " ")
 | table src, dest ]

yields no results at all 😞

0 Karma


Please perform sub search separately.

index=XXX [| noop|stats count | eval src="$cidr$"|eval src=split(src," ") |mvexpand src|fields src] [| noop|stats count | eval dest="$cidr$"|eval dest=split(dest," ") |mvexpand dest|fields dest] |・・・・

( (src=XXX) OR (src=XXX) OR (src=XXX) OR (src=XXX) ) AND ( (dest=XXX) OR (dest=XXX) OR (dest=XXX) OR (dest=XXX) )
※Please be careful because it is AND condition.

0 Karma

New Member

Holy cow, works like a charm! Thanks a lot, HiroshiSatoh!

0 Karma

Revered Legend

I think you need an mvexpand command as well (after split).

0 Karma


I also thought so.
But just by splitting it worked fine.

0 Karma
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