Hello all,
I have found this link: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/7646/how-to-disable-results-table-row-clicking.html?utm_source=ty...
...Though it does not help.
I simply want to disable the displayed tabled information from being "clickable". Any ideas?
Thank you!
Open the dashboard in edit panel mode, for each panel where you want to disable the click (basically disabling drilldown), click on the Format options (a paint brush icon on the top right corner of the panel visualization), and under general tab, select Drillown as No/None.
Open the dashboard in edit panel mode, for each panel where you want to disable the click (basically disabling drilldown), click on the Format options (a paint brush icon on the top right corner of the panel visualization), and under general tab, select Drillown as No/None.
Booya! I was trying to do it the hard way! 😉
Update; I need to perform this setting to specific panels. 😉