I want to add to my dashboard called iframe, content from some side e.g. google.com
So i create dashboard iframe, remove:
\?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?\
and add this code:
\?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?\
\module name="IFrameInclude"
\param name="src">google.com\/param
\param name="check_exists">True\/param
from http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Developer/UseHTML#Add_an_IFrame
to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/local/data/ui/views/iframe.xml
It doesn't affect to my dashboard. What am I doing wrong?
Best Regards,
You should check out the Sideview Development Kit. It's only out as a private beta this week but email me and I'll put you on the list.
An enormous number of things like this, that are hard in the core Splunk systems, become a lot easier with the kit.
In particular, you should check out a view in the app called "The Freshmaker", ("/app/sideview/refresh_entities"). It's not built as an example of how to drive a simple IFrame; actually it's built as a functional tool so Splunk app-developers can refresh modified savedsearches and views from disk. However it makes a pretty good example of how to use our HTML module to set up a simple iframe. Overall the app contains 60+ views of documentation and working examples and there's a ton of stuff like this to make your life a bit easier.
You may be able to make use of Splunk's IFrameInclude module, as you have tried here. The IFrameInclude module is a little tricky to use, and it's pretty limited when you get down to it. I will point out that what you've done here, in the XML you've posted, is create an entirely new view that only has that IFrameInclude module in it. If your intention was to add a single IFrameInclude module to your existing dashboard, you may need to orient yourself a little more. http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/4.3.1/Developer/AdvancedIntro
Sorry - and I'm afraid your particular email somehow got flagged as spam. I see it now and that won't happen again. I'm in transit at the moment but I'll add your email address to the list later today.
hello @nick
I have wrote to you an email a couple day ago, did you got it?
It's just nick at sideviewapps.com, or you can use my contact form.
hello @nick
Thanks you for respond. How exactly find your email? 😉
Best Regards,