Community Blog

Community Blog
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Community Blog

Community Manager
Community Manager

The time has come again for Splunk's annual Career Impact Survey!  We need your help by telling us about your career and professional experience with Splunk. Take the survey now!

0 0 1,493
Community Manager
Community Manager

For the past three years, Splunk has partnered with Enterprise Strategy Group to conduct a survey of the Splunk Community and gauge the impact that Splunk has had on the careers and livelihoods of its users. This year, 750 community members participated in our annual Career Impact Survey, and they confirmed what we've already known since this survey began: Using Splunk, learning Splunk, and getting Splunk Certified pays off — literally!

1 0 3,878
Community Manager
Community Manager

The time has come for Splunk's annual Career Impact Survey! We need your help by filling out the survey linked below and telling us about your career and professional experience with Splunk. Take the survey now!

1 2 2,512
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

There’s a hero in all of us! Upskill-on-demand with our 3-part Hero’s Journey training series.

1 0 2,345
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

New podcast series highlights the critical and growing need for easily-accessible tech education. 

0 0 1,396
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Graduate student, Katie, shares how curiosity led her on a Splunk free training journey during her winter break.

1 0 2,452
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

We foresee that next year will be just as amazing as 2022 has been for learning, sharing, and giving!

5 1 2,550
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Splunk users that are taking their know-how to the next level are happier in their roles, making meaningful contributions within their organizations, and are earning more in their job roles! Now, there are more learning opportunities than ever!

1 0 1,689
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Our third annual survey contains data proving that upskilling with Splunk significantly increases job satisfaction, career longevity, feeling of value in the workplace, as well as the opportunity to work on more interesting projects. 609 of you participated (that's up from 383 participants in 2021!), making this our most successful Splunk Careers Report to date. Read more to learn of the details surrounding these findings!

3 3 19.2K
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

We are welcoming June with lots of community activities for you to peruse!

3 0 4,118
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Help us learn about how Splunk has impacted your career by taking the 2022 Splunk Career Survey!

1 2 4,814
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

In our second annual survey, practitioners to share the impact working with Splunk technologies has had on their career! Overall, the research indicates that knowledge of and expertise with Splunk leads to increased compensation, more portable skills, and career advancement regardless of the domain to which they’re applied.

7 4 21.9K
Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Access the Splunk Careers Report to see real data that shows how Splunk mastery increases your value and job satisfaction!

2 2 23.1K