AppDynamics Knowledge Base

How do I enable the Events Service debugging port?

How do I enable the Events Service debugging port?

From Events Service v23.2 onward, port 9200 is always open, as a requirement for Elastic Search 8. 

In prior versions, port 9200 is disabled by default. Used for debugging purposes,it needs to be turned on before troubleshooting begins. 

NOTE | After the debugging session is done, remember to disable the property and restart the Events Service to avoid exposure to security vulnerabilities

In this article

Troubleshooting Example |  Port 9200 in Events Service 23.2 and beyond  | How to enable Port 9200 in prior versions


Troubleshooting example: finding shard or index status 

Using the following commands to find the status of shards/indices:

curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards?v
curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v

 will result in the following output:

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Port 9200 in Events Service 23.2 and beyond 

As of Events Service 23.2, there is no property in <ES_HOME>/conf/events-service-api-store. Elasticsearch 8 requires that port 9200 is always open. 

For the time being, we recommend one of the following options: 

  • Deploy Events Service 23.2.0 behind a load balancer and restrict access to port 9200 from the outside world 
  • Make firewall rules to restrict access to port 9200 only to the Elastic Search node's IP. 

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How do I  enable port 9200 for Events Service prior to v23.2? 

  1. Locate the file within the conf directory of your Events-Service home directory (<ES_HOME>/conf/

  2. Change the value of the property to true.

  3. Save, and restart the Events Service server.
    # To run this service in a fully, self contained mode, without 
    # the need for dedicated master nodes, this should be set to 'true'. 
    # If there are dedicated elasticsearch masters, then this flag 
    # should be set to 'false'.
  4. Begin your debugging session.

  5. Leaving the property enabled will expose security vulnerabilities. So, be sure to disable the property and restart the Events Service once you complete the debugging session.

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Hi guys. 

Could you please update this article for Event Service 23.2.0, there is no property in <ES_HOME>/conf/ configuration file to open 9200 port. 

Hi, @Yergali.Yerkalin 

Thanks for pointing this out! We are working on revisions for Events Service 23.2.x. I will post here on update status.

Claudia Landivar
Community Manager & Editor

@Yergali.Yerkalin — Check out the revised article. Thank you for pointing out the needed change for v23.2.
And thank you for authoring the technical changes, @Ankit.Kumar.


Version history
Last update:
‎08-31-2020 06:09 PM
Updated by: