I am running into a problem where I am attempting to use rex command similar to the Custom Chart Overlay in Simple XML examples.
I know my search works in simple xml.
earliest=-2hr latest=now
| fields time_taken, cs_uri_stem, sc_status
| rex field=sc_status \"(?<200>2\d\d)\"
|rex field=sc_status \"(?<300>3\d\d)\"
| rex field=sc_status \"(?<400>4\d\d)\"
| rex field=sc_status \"(?<500>5\d\d)\"
| rex field=cs_uri_stem \"(?<uri>/[\w\d]{0,13})\"
| eval uri=lower(uri) |bucket _time span=2m
| stats count(200) as 200, count(300) as 300, count(400) as 400, count(500) as 500, avg(time_taken) as AvgTime by _time uri
but in the following it doesnt
<div id="base-search"
"earliest_time": "-2@h",
"latest_time": "now",
"cache": "60",
"search": ".... earliest=-2hr latest=now
| fields time_taken, cs_uri_stem, sc_status
| rex field=sc_status \"(?< ;200> ;2\d\d)\"
| rex field=sc_status \"(?< ;300> ;3\d\d)\"
| rex field=sc_status \"(?< ;400> ;4\d\d)\"
| rex field=sc_status \"(?< ;500> ;5\d\d)\"
| rex field=cs_uri_stem \"(?< ;uri> ;/[\w\d]{0,13})\"
| eval uri=lower(uri) |bucket _time span=2m
| stats count(200) as 200, count(300) as 300, count(400) as 400, count(500) as 500, avg(time_taken) as AvgTime by _time uri"
What gives?
Thanks in advance
mathu has it, you have to use a backslash to escape the double quotes.
I also had to escape the existing backslashes in my regex:
| rex field=cst_ls_segment \"LS\\d+\\s+(?<segment>.*)\"
I would post the job inspector, but as soon I add regex it never makes it to the search manager.
can you post the resulting search (from the job inspector)?
Sorry I forgot to added the double backslash. The part that having problems is the rex extraction. It does nots like the html encoding of the greater/ less than symbols or the symbol.
Use a backslash to escape the double quotes.
Single quotes don't work because of "data-options" which is already quoted with singles.
Make sure you either escape the double quotes within the search string or use single quotes around it instead.