We are in the middle of migrating from DB connect 1 to DB connect 2.
I can't see an option to truncating or truncate/insert from the UI of dbconnect 2 (I don't want to upsert). I also haven't been able to find any examples or documentation online.
This is the existing search that we are trying to migrate.
| makeresults | dboutput type=sql database=EDW "TRUNCATE TABLE TABLE_NAME IMMEDIATE"
//Non working attempt to migrate. (Don't think you can insert/delete from the select command dbxquery)
| dbxquery query="TRUNCATE TABLE TABLE_NAME IMMEDIATE" connection=EDW wrap=t shortnames=t
//Another non working attempt. (Don't believe you can run queries from dbxoutput, you need to call the job made in the UI)
| makeresults | dbxoutput connection=EDW query="TRUNCATE TABLE TABLE_NAME IMMEDIATE"
Any help would be appreciated! 🙂
Did you ever get a solution for this?
I believe you are going to have to create a stored procedure that executes the DDL, then returns a nominal result set like a return code.
A similar question was asked today, and we're pursuing an answer for you.
Did you ever get a solution for this?
I believe you are going to have to create a stored procedure that executes the DDL, then returns a nominal result set like a return code.
A similar question was asked today, and we're pursuing an answer for you.
I'm not sure if its a good idea to use dbconnect to do Data Definition Language (DDL) operations. Especially truncate being a dangerous action.
Truncating this table shouldn't be an issue. It is a table that I have setup and that only I use for development. So if I accidental truncated everything it wouldn't be the end of the world, I could always recreate the table.