I'm in the process of manually migrating over 100 database inputs from dbx 1.1.5 to 3.1.2 and have run into an issue with time formatting.
The dbx 1.1.5 query formats the date time fields as epoch, yet the same query formats the fields as: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.NNN
The query is very small: (Oracle database)
SELECT (select sysdate from dual) as "collection_time", lastconnectiontime,agentname as "src_host", version FROM table_name
The output I get is:
[ dbConnect 3.1.2 ]
2018-04-06 09:12:00.958, collection_time="2018-04-06 02:12:00.0", LASTCONNECTIONTIME="2016-11-21 17:33:49.523", src_host="xxxxxxxxxxxx", VERSION=""
[ dbConnect 1.1.5 ]
collection_time=1522980720.000 LASTCONNECTIONTIME=1479749629.523 src_host=xxxxxxxxxxxx VERSION=
So, really two questions, the most important being, how do I adjust the 3.1.2 query so that I get the identical date/time format as the 1.1.5 query
The other question ... is it possible to modify the 3.1.2 query remove the leading date/time the query was executed either by a conf setting in the app or some other dbxquery option. (2018-04-06 09:12:00.958)
Can you tell what other input settings you are using?
Also did you follow migration steps given here: