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Syslog events not matching IOS XR regex to transform


Here is the format of our data coming from Cisco IOS XR NCS 4K platform. I don't think the regex is able to match our data. Running Enterprise 7.0 and Cisco Networks Add-on 2.3.4.
Thank you.

Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 6.1.12
Copyright (c) 2013-2016 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Sample events:

Oct 2 16:04:57 222107: HRSHPAXH-0110013A RP/0/RP0:2017 Oct 2 16:04:57.084 UTC: SSHD_[68398]: %SECURITY-SSHD-6-INFO_GENERAL : Enc name is NULL: client aes128-cbc,blowfish-cbc,3des-cbc server aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr

Oct 2 16:04:55 24078: FLPKNYFP-0330608A LC/0/LC1:Oct 2 12:04:55.531 : fia_driver[118]: %PLATFORM-CIH-5-ASIC_ERROR_THRESHOLD : fia[18]: A generic-err error has occurred causing performance loss transient. CMIC.CMIC_CMC0_IRQ_STAT4.FCT.Interrupt_Register.UnrchDestEvent Threshold has been exceeded

Oct 2 16:04:20 47232: GLBONJGB-0114503A RP/0/RP0:2017 Oct 2 12:04:20.587 EDT: smartlicserver[397]: %LIBRARY-REPLICATOR-3-IDT_FAIL : Failed to complete IDT after several retries: rc 0x0 (Success)

0 Karma
1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

@notwrkvz It looks like the developer wrote the regex to capture an additional slot in the node_id which your system does not have (RP/0/RP0) , original regex written to capture node_id like: (RP/0/RP0/x)

If you add the following configurations to your SHs and Indexers your syslog events coming from ios xr 4k should be forced into the sourcetype cisco:ios and then have the field extractions applied


Cisco IOS XR

REGEX = ((?<reported_hostname>\S+)\s)?(?<event_id>\d+)\:\s((?<reported_hostname2>\S+)\s)?(?<node_id>(?:[A-Z]+)\/(?:\d+)\/(?:[A-Z0-9]+))\:(?<device_time>.+)\s?\:\s?(?<process_name>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\[(?<pid>\d+)\]\:\s+%(?<category>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-(?<facility>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-((?<subfacility>[A-Za-z12_]*(-?[A-Za-z_][^-]*))-?)?(?<severity_id>[0-7])-(?<mnemonic>[A-Z0-9_]+)\s:\s(?<message_text>.+)

Cisco IOS XR

REGEX = ((?<reported_hostname>\S+)\s)?(?<event_id>\d+)\:\s((?<reported_hostname2>\S+)\s)?(?<node_id>(?:[A-Z]+)\/(?:\d+)\/(?:[A-Z0-9]+))\:(?<device_time>.+)\s?\:\s?(?<process_name>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\[(?<pid>\d+)\]\:\s+%(?<category>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-(?<facility>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-((?<subfacility>[A-Za-z12_]*(-?[A-Za-z_][^-]*))-?)?(?<severity_id>[0-7])-(?<mnemonic>[A-Z0-9_]+)\s:\s(?<message_text>.+)

restart both SH and indexers after that .. any new events coming in with original sourcetype=syslog should be caught and look correct.

data flow through props/transforms should look like:

  1. original events come into HF or indexer with sourcetype 'syslog'
  2. hits props.conf stanza for [syslog] [syslog] TRANSFORMS-force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios = force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios, force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios-xr, force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios-xe
  3. hits transforms.conf stanza [force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios-xr] and sourcetype is re-written to cisco:ios
  4. props.conf for sourcetype stanza [cisco:ios] defines a REPORT in transforms.conf for the field extractions REPORT-cisco_ios-general = extract_cisco_ios-general-xe, extract_cisco_ios-general, extract_cisco_ios-general-xr, extract_cisco_ios-general-wlc, extract_cisco_ios-general-rfc5424
  5. transforms.conf [extract_cisco_ios-general-xr] does field extractions at search time

View solution in original post

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

@notwrkvz It looks like the developer wrote the regex to capture an additional slot in the node_id which your system does not have (RP/0/RP0) , original regex written to capture node_id like: (RP/0/RP0/x)

If you add the following configurations to your SHs and Indexers your syslog events coming from ios xr 4k should be forced into the sourcetype cisco:ios and then have the field extractions applied


Cisco IOS XR

REGEX = ((?<reported_hostname>\S+)\s)?(?<event_id>\d+)\:\s((?<reported_hostname2>\S+)\s)?(?<node_id>(?:[A-Z]+)\/(?:\d+)\/(?:[A-Z0-9]+))\:(?<device_time>.+)\s?\:\s?(?<process_name>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\[(?<pid>\d+)\]\:\s+%(?<category>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-(?<facility>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-((?<subfacility>[A-Za-z12_]*(-?[A-Za-z_][^-]*))-?)?(?<severity_id>[0-7])-(?<mnemonic>[A-Z0-9_]+)\s:\s(?<message_text>.+)

Cisco IOS XR

REGEX = ((?<reported_hostname>\S+)\s)?(?<event_id>\d+)\:\s((?<reported_hostname2>\S+)\s)?(?<node_id>(?:[A-Z]+)\/(?:\d+)\/(?:[A-Z0-9]+))\:(?<device_time>.+)\s?\:\s?(?<process_name>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\[(?<pid>\d+)\]\:\s+%(?<category>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-(?<facility>[A-Za-z0-9_]+)-((?<subfacility>[A-Za-z12_]*(-?[A-Za-z_][^-]*))-?)?(?<severity_id>[0-7])-(?<mnemonic>[A-Z0-9_]+)\s:\s(?<message_text>.+)

restart both SH and indexers after that .. any new events coming in with original sourcetype=syslog should be caught and look correct.

data flow through props/transforms should look like:

  1. original events come into HF or indexer with sourcetype 'syslog'
  2. hits props.conf stanza for [syslog] [syslog] TRANSFORMS-force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios = force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios, force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios-xr, force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios-xe
  3. hits transforms.conf stanza [force_sourcetype_for_cisco_ios-xr] and sourcetype is re-written to cisco:ios
  4. props.conf for sourcetype stanza [cisco:ios] defines a REPORT in transforms.conf for the field extractions REPORT-cisco_ios-general = extract_cisco_ios-general-xe, extract_cisco_ios-general, extract_cisco_ios-general-xr, extract_cisco_ios-general-wlc, extract_cisco_ios-general-rfc5424
  5. transforms.conf [extract_cisco_ios-general-xr] does field extractions at search time


Thank you very much for getting that regex correct! That totally fixed it and the data is being transformed now.

Best regards,

0 Karma


What is the regex?

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