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Splunk PDF server


I receive this error when attempting to launch the Splunk PDf server.

ServerSideInclude Module Error!
Splunk has failed to locate the template for uri '/APP/pdfserver/appserver/static/home.html'.

Anyone come across this problem.

Thanks in advance

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

It appears to be looking for the home.html template and it isn't finding it in the expected directory. The issue is resolved by copying over the home.xml file from the default directory.

cp /opt/splunk/etc/apps/pdfserver/appserver/static/home.html

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

At this point it would be best to open a case so that Support can assist you directly.
Please visit our Support Portal to submit a case:

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There is no home.xml or home.html, tried downloading the PDFserver app again, and neither of those files exist in the original download. Also tried to copy from the file from /usr/local/splunk/etc/apps/launcher/default/data/ui/views/home.xml
I receive a different error now. "False 1 launcher.html"

Thanks again

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