We wonder where Splunk/Hunk stands out when compared with Platfora. Any thoughts?
Platfora is very interesting as, among other things, it uses Spark and they say at Spark Rising -
At Platfora, we’ve found ways to push MapReduce hard, and natively woven it into our scale-out in-memory processing model with a very unique closed-loop architecture.
I had a read through the Hunk material here: http://www.splunk.com/en_us/products/hunk.html.
I have to hand it to Platfora, their marketing nonsense sounds much more fun than Hunk. Hunk says stuff like :
Quickly create and share charts, graphs and dashboards
YAWN. Platfora has stuff like this:
Platfora natively leverages the deep processing, scalability, and limitless data storage of Hadoop and combines it with a scale-out in-memory data processing engine to make access extremely fast across infinite nodes.
Splunk - you better get your act together !
You are absolutely right - a bit lame... ; - )
I want infinite inodes!