Hello, I need help on Kafka Connect.
I am using Kafka _2.12-1.1.1 and Splunk Connect for Kafka version 1.20. It's distributed mode but there is only 1 Kafka connect node.
I'm having a problem with managing configurations.
When I DELETE a connector, and then restart Kafka Connect, the old connectors might be reloaded.
And sometimes create a new connector with curl localhost:8083/connectors -X POST -H…
. will failed (no error message, but not added successfully).
It seems the old connector configurations were stored somewhere and sometimes Kafka Connect will looking for those when restarted.
I am thinking if we can delete old configurations permanently before creating new connectors then the problem might be solved.
Not sure if answer is relevant anymore or is feasible in your environment, but anyway:
* Try deleting the topics that sc4k has created using kafka-topics.sh command
* try changing the topics that sc4k is using (in the connector-distributed.proprties)