I just installed the Splunk App for Cisco UCS and configured the managers.csv and credentials.csv as mentioned in the readme. Also copied the apps to SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/ section, however, there's no data collection happening. I also tried executing Collect.py with the UCSM instance and the script didn't return anything nor did it thrown any errors.
credentials.csv contents:
managers.csv contents:
This ucs instance is configured for local authentication. please let me know what am i missing here?
Try running it at the command-line with INFO logging level:
-- if using lightweight forwarder:
$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk cmd python $SPLUNK_HOME/Splunk_TA_CiscoUCS/bin/Collect.py -l INFO topSystem
If using Universal + system Python:
python $SPLUNK_HOME/Splunk_TA_CiscoUCS/bin/Collect.py -l INFO topSystem
And if you are running the TA on a Heavy Forwarder--let me know, could also be related.
Maybe your credential line should be:
So ucs-local is auth domain and admin is the user.
Actually, it looks like the forum posting code is stripping the \ (slash) between ucs-local and admin, so you probably already have that right.