Here is the error I am getting. I've tried looking through the python script to see where it is calling that. I am not a python guy, and am having a difficult time. I have also included the config.xml jmxservers that i have configured.
08-14-2014 09:02:13.906 -0700 ERROR ExecProcessor - message from "python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/jmx_ta/bin/" The root config object(JMXPoller) failed to initialize, stanza : jmx://helloworld
<!-- Connect to a JVM via the remote JMX interface -->
<jmxserver host="" jvmDescription="indbilltest" jmxport="9990" jmxuser="xxxxxx" jmxpass="xxxxxxxx">
<jmxserver host="" jvmDescription="indbilltest" jmxport="9999" jmxuser="xxxxxx" jmxpass="xxxxxxxx">
<jmxserver host="" jvmDescription="pricingtest" jmxport="9999" jmxuser="xxxxxx" jmxpass="xxxxxxxx">
This error :
The root config object(JMXPoller) failed to initialize, stanza
most likely means that your configuration XML is malformed.
i tried replacing all mbean domain="java.lang" with mbean domain="*"
didn't work
The bin/config/examples/config_notifications.xml
file is just an example I used to show the general structure of this XML configuration.
Thank you so much! Here is a snapshot from my config.xml . are you saying i need to configure the config_notifications.xml ? in my config, do I need to adjust all the mbean settings?
Here's a full example from bin/config/examples/config_notifications.xml (indenting added by me):
<formatter className="com.dtdsoftware.splunk.formatter.TokenizedMBeanNameQuotesStrippedFormatter" />
<!-- Connect to a JVM via the remote JMX interface -->
<jmxserver host="" jvmDescription="tomcat" jmxport="1234" jmxuser="fred" jmxpass="secret">
<mbean domain="myAppDomain" properties="type=foo">
<!-- Add a notification listener to this MBean -->
<notificationListener />
Look again. The general schema of these files looks like this (from memory, spelling and details may vary):
<jmxserver lots="of" attributes="here">
<mbean even="more" attributes="here" />
<mbean even="more" attributes="here" />
Without the closing tags this XML wouldn't be valid.
no? the example files all had this format. I did not see mbeans there?
Do those <jmxserver>
tags contain mbeans and have closing tags?