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Splunk Add-on fails Splunk cloud inspection test



Our app is built upon Splunk Add-on builder. Builder's code is responsible for most of input and output for our app. We modified the pulling module to reach out to our server to pull data. Then Builder will send the pulled data into Splunk engine to process. 

Splunk cloud store has been updating their inspection criteria few times in past years. Almost every time, Builder needs to update to comply to the new criteria. We was told to import our app upon the new Builder and export to our app, to take in Builder's updates. 

Unless last month. 

We have got another notice from Splunk store, saying our app no longer apply to updated criteria and will be removed from Splunk store by 18th this month. Only this time, Splunk Add-on Builder no longer do its part to update to apply to the same rules in the same store. 

Here is the cause:

  1. check_python_sdk_version
    • If your app relies on the Splunk SDK for Python, we require you to use an acceptably-recent version in order to avoid compatibility issues between your app and the Splunk Platform or the Python language runtime used to execute your app’s code. Please update your Splunk SDK for Python version to the least 2.0.2. More information is available on this project’s GitHub page:
    • Versions affected by this check are: 1.6.1


We would like to seek some information about 

1. Why Builder can violates the Splunk cloud criteria but can stay on Splunk store. 

2. If Builder does follow new rules as everyone else, when do they update to new version to pass inspection test. 

3. If Builder does NOT update. Is there any instructions for the apps that built upon Builder that can fix builder's issue and still allow to be hosted on Splunk store. 


Thanks for any feedback and information.  



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