I've found a bug in the Splunk Add-on Builder and I've tried to report it but I'm not having much luck.
From my Splunk account I try to open a ticket and get this message: "It appears you do not have an active Support Contract or entitlement, and as a result, cannot open a Support case"
From the add-on builder page I try to file a case but that just goes to: "URL No Longer Exists
You have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on salesforce.com."
I tried calling Splunk but they put me through to sales then dropped my call.
I was hoping someone might point me in the right direction to help Splunk fix this issue.
Howdy! Sorry for the trouble you're seeing trying to report the bug.
I've reached out to a few folks internally who may jump in but feel free to reach me directly at tchavez@splunk.com
Hi tchavez,
I've sent you an email detailing the issue.
Hopefully it gets fixed 🙂
Thanks for reaching out.
what version of add-on builder that give you the issue? I have the latest version. I get no such error.
Hi youngsuh,
I have emailed Splunk and I'll let them disclose any further information on the issue if they want.
The issue exists for me in both 4.0.0 and 4.1.0.
Hi Rich,
Thanks for the idea - I have a similar problem though in that I don't want to explicitly detail the flaw in a public forum for everyone to read about - I'd rather have a way of notifying Splunk directly but that seems very hard to do. I might see if any of my colleagues have a direct line with Splunk.
Thanks again.