All Apps and Add-ons

Service fails when trying to install add-on

Loves-to-Learn Lots

Hi All,

Splunk enterprise version 8.1.3; Running on CENTOS 7.

I am trying to install an add-on from splunkbase.

Using Splunk web for that.

After I press the install button I get a fail error message.

2021-04-09 12_10_32- - Remote Desktop Connection.png

When pressing the retry button, I get a message that the server is disconnected.

2021-04-09 12_12_44- - Remote Desktop Connection.png

Checking the status -->


[root@SPLUNKSERVER bin]# ./splunk status
splunkd 117486 was not running.
Stopping splunk helpers...
                                                           [  OK  ]
Stopped helpers.
Removing stale pid file... done.



Any idea how to troubleshoot this? And/Or resolve?



Tags (1)
0 Karma


Check splunkd.log.  If you find a core file, open a support request with Splunk.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Lots

The log contains these rows:

04-12-2021 10:43:52.692 +1000 WARN  LocalAppsAdminHandler - Using deprecated capabilities for write: admin_all_objects or edit_local_apps. See enable_install_apps in limits.conf
04-12-2021 10:43:52.694 +1000 INFO  WatchedFile - Checksum for seekptr didn't match, will re-read entire file='/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd.log'.
04-12-2021 10:44:08.284 +1000 INFO  DatabaseDirectoryManager - idx=_audit writing a bucket manifest in hotWarmPath='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/audit/db' pendingBucketUpdates=0 innerLockTime=0.000. Reason='Buckets were rebuilt or tsidx-minified (bucket_count=1).'
04-12-2021 10:44:08.285 +1000 INFO  DatabaseDirectoryManager - Finished writing bucket manifest in hotWarmPath=/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/audit/db duration=0.001
04-12-2021 10:44:08.286 +1000 INFO  DatabaseDirectoryManager - idx=_internal writing a bucket manifest in hotWarmPath='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/_internaldb/db' pendingBucketUpdates=0 innerLockTime=0.000. Reason='Buckets were rebuilt or tsidx-minified (bucket_count=1).'
04-12-2021 10:44:08.287 +1000 INFO  DatabaseDirectoryManager - Finished writing bucket manifest in hotWarmPath=/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/_internaldb/db duration=0.001
04-12-2021 10:44:08.293 +1000 INFO  DatabaseDirectoryManager - idx=_metrics writing a bucket manifest in hotWarmPath='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/_metrics/db' pendingBucketUpdates=0 innerLockTime=0.002. Reason='Buckets were rebuilt or tsidx-minified (bucket_count=5).'
04-12-2021 10:44:08.296 +1000 INFO  DatabaseDirectoryManager - Finished writing bucket manifest in hotWarmPath=/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/_metrics/db duration=0.005
04-12-2021 10:44:27.977 +1000 WARN  LocalAppsAdminHandler - Using deprecated capabilities for write: admin_all_objects or edit_local_apps. See enable_install_apps in limits.conf
04-12-2021 10:44:28.417 +1000 WARN  DateParserVerbose - Failed to parse timestamp in first MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD (40) characters of event. Defaulting to timestamp of previous event (Mon Apr 12 10:43:06 2021). Context: source=/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd_stderr.log|host=SPLUNKSERVER|splunkd_stderr|72


I updated limits.conf to

enable_install_apps = true


Now I see this WARN

04-12-2021 11:38:23.816 +1000 WARN  DateParserVerbose - Failed to parse timestamp in first MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD (40) characters of event. Defaulting to timestamp of previous event (Mon Apr 12 11:32:51 2021). Context: source=/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd_stderr.log|host=SPLUNKSERVER|splunkd_stderr|72


I am still not able to install add-ons and the service is getting stopped/crashed.


0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Lots

In addition, a crash log is created. For example - crash-2021-04-12-11:38:23.log

Not sure what this means.


[build 63079c59e632] 2021-04-12 11:38:23
Received fatal signal 6 (Aborted).
   Signal sent by PID 51854 running under UID 1000.
 Crashing thread: TcpChannelThread
    RIP:  [0x00007F9904A403D7] gsignal + 55 ( + 0x363D7)
    RDI:  [0x000000000000CA8E]
    RSI:  [0x000000000000CC54]
    RBP:  [0x00007F9904B94E00]
    RSP:  [0x00007F98D9FF9ED8]
    RAX:  [0x0000000000000000]
    RBX:  [0x00007F990605B000]
    RDX:  [0x0000000000000006]
    R8:  [0x0000000000000040]
    R9:  [0x00007F9904800080]
    R10:  [0x0000000000000008]
    R11:  [0x0000000000000206]
    R12:  [0x000055F795231F80]
    R13:  [0x000055F795232868]
    R14:  [0x00007F98D9FFA0D0]
    R15:  [0x00007F98D9FFA100]
    EFL:  [0x0000000000000206]
    TRAPNO:  [0x0000000000000000]
    ERR:  [0x0000000000000000]
    CSGSFS:  [0x0000000000000033]
    OLDMASK:  [0x0000000000000000]

 OS: Linux
 Arch: x86-64

 Backtrace (PIC build):
  [0x00007F9904A403D7] gsignal + 55 ( + 0x363D7)
  [0x00007F9904A41AC8] abort + 328 ( + 0x37AC8)
  [0x00007F9904A391A6] ? ( + 0x2F1A6)
  [0x00007F9904A39252] ? ( + 0x2F252)
  [0x000055F793EA53A5] _ZN21HttpClientTransaction15_handleRedirectEv + 853 (splunkd + 0x22333A5)
  [0x000055F793EA5512] _ZN21HttpClientTransaction18_finishTransactionEv + 290 (splunkd + 0x2233512)
  [0x000055F793EA56A7] _ZN20HttpClientConnection10parseReplyEPKcS1_ + 199 (splunkd + 0x22336A7)
  [0x000055F793EA67F0] _ZN20HttpClientConnection13dataAvailableEv + 160 (splunkd + 0x22347F0)
  [0x000055F793F418D3] _ZN11TcpOutbound6_do_ioE18PollableDescriptor + 531 (splunkd + 0x22CF8D3)
  [0x000055F793F4286F] _ZN11TcpOutbound11when_eventsE18PollableDescriptor + 31 (splunkd + 0x22D086F)
  [0x000055F793E8A83C] _ZN8PolledFd8do_eventEv + 124 (splunkd + 0x221883C)
  [0x000055F793E8B750] _ZN9EventLoop3runEv + 624 (splunkd + 0x2219750)
  [0x000055F793F43022] _ZN15TcpOutboundLoop3runEv + 18 (splunkd + 0x22D1022)
  [0x000055F793EA1D0A] _ZN21HttpClientTransaction22runSyncAndShutdownLoopEP15TcpOutboundLoop + 106 (splunkd + 0x222FD0A)
  [0x000055F793EA1E24] _ZN21HttpClientTransaction7runSyncEv + 68 (splunkd + 0x222FE24)
  [0x000055F793DA7484] _ZN18ApplicationUpdater20fetchUpdateFileByUriERK7FullUriRK3StrR28ApplicationUpdateTransaction + 148 (splunkd + 0x2135484)
  [0x000055F793DA7811] _ZN18ApplicationUpdater20fetchUpdateFileByUriERK7FullUriRK3StrR8Pathnameb + 385 (splunkd + 0x2135811)
  [0x000055F793BC8CBA] _ZN21LocalAppsAdminHandler13handleInstallER10ConfigInfoPK3StrS4_bbb + 1818 (splunkd + 0x1F56CBA)
  [0x000055F793BC961E] _ZN21LocalAppsAdminHandler12handleCreateER10ConfigInfo + 414 (splunkd + 0x1F5761E)
  [0x000055F793826C5C] _ZN14MConfigHandler2goER10ConfigInfo + 188 (splunkd + 0x1BB4C5C)
  [0x000055F79382774E] _ZN29AdminManagerReplyDataProvider2goEv + 702 (splunkd + 0x1BB574E)
  [0x000055F793923E18] _ZN33ServicesEndpointReplyDataProvider9rawHandleEv + 88 (splunkd + 0x1CB1E18)
  [0x000055F79391727A] _ZN18RawRestHttpHandler10getPreBodyEP21HttpServerTransaction + 26 (splunkd + 0x1CA527A)
  [0x000055F793EBA470] _ZN32HttpThreadedCommunicationHandler11communicateER17TcpSyncDataBuffer + 224 (splunkd + 0x2248470)
  [0x000055F7931B4F37] _ZN16TcpChannelThread4mainEv + 343 (splunkd + 0x1542F37)
  [0x000055F793F44BE7] _ZN6Thread8callMainEPv + 135 (splunkd + 0x22D2BE7)
  [0x00007F9904DDFEA5] ? ( + 0x7EA5)
  [0x00007F9904B089FD] clone + 109 ( + 0xFE9FD)
 Linux / SPLUNKSERVER / 3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64 / #1 SMP Thu Nov 8 23:39:32 UTC 2018 / x86_64
 Libc abort message: splunkd: /opt/splunk/src/util/HttpClientRequest.cpp:1934: void HttpClientTransaction::_handleRedirect(): Assertion `_redirectReply == REPLY_EATING_NORMAL' failed.

 /etc/redhat-release: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
 glibc version: 2.17
 glibc release: stable
Last errno: 0
Threads running: 75
Runtime: 332.324197s
argv: [splunkd -p 8089 start]
Regex JIT enabled

RE2 regex engine enabled

Thread: "TcpChannelThread", did_join=0, ready_to_run=Y, main_thread=N, token=140294469175040
MutexByte: MutexByte-waiting={none}
commandForThread=0, nextIdle=(nil), requestAfterThread=0, _tpfd=0x7f98fce52000, writeCorkCount=0, terminateCallback=(nil), ioError=No error, lastError=No error, terminateError=No error
giveCmd @0x7f98fcee11f0: _queuedOn=(nil), ran=N, wantWake=N, wantFailIfLoopDone=N, cmd=0, ok=Y, chan=(nil)
writeDataAvail @0x7f98fcee1258: _queuedOn=(nil), ran=N, wantWake=N, wantFailIfLoopDone=N, chan=(nil)
wbuf: ptr=0x7f98fcee1300, size=0x8000, rptr=0x0, wptr=0x0
HttpListeningConnection: _transactionActive=Y, _haveHadTransaction=Y, _alreadyLoggedTimeout=N
HttpTcpConnection: peer=, _desiredCompressionLevel=6
RestHttpServerTransaction: _restPath="apps/local", namespaced=N, context=-/-, session=[user=admin, refcnt=2, touched=1618191503, refreshEligible=1618191658, removed=N, id=cc0d2972f698f829201bac617964ff8a, created=1618191181, refreshed=1618191433, expires=1618195033, initialLife=3600, createdBy=B0199C6F-4CCD-40C5-9BD1-6D118EDBCC19, ip=, csrf=16653134604752637856]
HttpServerTransaction: _state=6, _shouldLog=Y, _startTime=1618191503.515650515054
REQUEST: POST /en-US/splunkd/__raw/services/apps/local HTTP/1.1
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 154
    Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*
    X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
    X-Splunk-Form-Key: 16653134604752637856
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    Cookie: sessionid=qsnphp8s53wjayowkznio67oej8j6od7; splunkweb_csrf_token_8000=16653134604752637856; session_id_8000=e300df0ad1c9539c0e5aa553187f3b03401a446e; token_key=16653134604752637856; experience_id=3a86ff37-6359-aae8-f671-8e579d140089; splunkd_8000=dqAaDUFWtUvKSzzvaC2odNKHI6VnEbvzQo4N0y8cYAsRVT4UmUcio_LgyDnJ85NHq9VmVmpkpBrw2vkoi0nlc4AaRXGFFnmWpyK0xDdKGxIUzkxP1QYgV0H7LCOnVCP9QSCDrW7; csrftoken=nvZtjjqXEpKLO06tsW9m34ifnDYaCygHHiff9q0HiBbj0mmqPMKt6H105musZ65l
  _bytesReceived=154, _maximumRequestDataSize=524288000, _totalBytesExpectedOfRequestData=154
  _bytesLeftInRequestDataChunk=0, _requestTransferEncodingIsChunked=N, _receivingRequestDataForever=N
  _needToSetupRequestGunzip=N, _owedConsume=0, _wantSavedRequestData=N
  _100continue=0, _expectDisconnect=N, _overrideSourceState=0
POST arguments: {["filename"] = "true", ["auth"] = "qsnphp8s53wjayowkznio67oej8j6od7", ["name"] = ""}
REPLY: 200 
    Set-Cookie: splunkd_8000=dqAaDUFWtUvKSzzvaC2odNKHI6VnEbvzQo4N0y8cYAsRVT4UmUcio_LgyDnJ85NHq9VmVmpkpBrw2vkoi0nlc4AaRXGFFnmWpyK0xDdKGxIUzkxP1QYgV0H7LCOnVCP9QSCDrW7; Path=/; HttpOnly; Max-Age=3600; Expires=Mon, 12 Apr 2021 02:38:23 GMT
    Set-Cookie: splunkweb_csrf_token_8000=16653134604752637856; Path=/; Max-Age=157680000; Expires=Sat, 11 Apr 2026 01:38:23 GMT
MConfigHandler: name=localapps, _atomFormat=2, _customAction=
  caller args: id="": { auth -> { _dataType=string _isMultiValue=Y, _values: ["qsnphp8s53wjayowkznio67oej8j6od7"] }, filename -> { _dataType=string _isMultiValue=Y, _values: ["true"] } }
  _docShowEntry=Y, _didFilter=N, _didPaginate=N
  _maxCount=30, posOffset=0, _requestedAction=1
  _shouldFilter=N, _shouldReload=N, _shouldAutoList=N, _sortSpecified=N
  _strict_mode=N, _list_new=N, _force_stanza_overwite=N, _force_app_context_on_write=Y
  sort keys: ["name"]
  sort modes: ["auto"]
  supported args: ["auth" type=0, "author" type=0, "configured" type=0, "deploy" type=0, "description" type=0, "explicit_appname" type=0, "filename" type=0, "label" type=0, "local_bundle" type=0, "name" type=0 (required), "session" type=0, "template" type=0, "update" type=0, "version" type=0, "visible" type=0]
  Paginator: offset=0, count=30
  _customStatusCode=0, _supportedActions=0x1EF, hasSession=Y
  _forceBoolNormalization=N  _forceRuleValidation=N, _contextMode=0, _didCapCheck=Y
  _ranSetup=Y, _restartRequired=N, _listingOne=N
  _userName=admin, _appName=search
ServicesEndpointReplyDataProvider: _setupState=0, _outputMode=2, _explicitOutputMode=Y
GET args: {}
  _allowedMethods={GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,HEAD,OPTIONS}, _preconditionState=0
  _wantsSeparateThread=N, _alreadyBuiltHeaders=N, _needToSendBody=Y
  _bodyBytesWritten=0, _chunkedState=0, _isLastTransaction=N
  _varyBy=0x8, _redirectUrl="", _downloadFilename="", _totalScheduledLength=0
  _willSendDataLater=N, _toSendState=0, _toSendSafe=Y
  _knowCompleteLength=N, _desiredCompressionLevel=6
  _replyContentEncoding= << identity, _cacheControl=0x0, _maxCacheSeconds=4294967295, _dontIncludeFrameOptions=N
In TcpChannel 0x7f98fce52000, _tcloop=0x7f990126a3c8, no async write data, _data._shouldKill=N, r/w_timeouts=5.000/300.000, timeout_count=0
SSL: inactive
rbuf: ptr=0x7f98fce520a0, size=0x2000, rptr=0x0, wptr=0x0
TcpChannelAcceptor: , tcloop=0x7f990126a3c8, _disabledReasons=0, _activeCount=1, _inflightSubordinateAccepts=0
HttpListener: ssl=N, _maxActiveConnections=1365, _wellBelowConnectionLimit=Y, _maxThreads=1365
SplunkdHttpListener: PORT: _allowGzip=Y, bind=http://:8000
  conf: _sslopt={rootCAPath="", caCertFile="", certFile="", privateKeyFile="", privateKeyPassword_set=N, commonNameToCheck="", altNameToCheck="", allowSslRenegotiation=Y, sslVersions="SSL3,TLS1.0,TLS1.1,TLS1.2", cipherSuite="", ecdhCurves="", useCompression==N, useSSL=2, quietShutdown==NdhFile="", shouldVerifyClientCert=N}, _allowSslRenegotiation=Y, _frameOptionsSameOrigin=Y, _strictTransportSecurityHeader=N, _includeSubDomains=N, _preload=N, _allowBasicAuth=N, _allowCookieAuth=N
  conf: _streamInWriteTimeout=5.000, _maxContentLength=524288000, _maxThreads=1365, _maxSockets=1365, _forceHttp10=0
_thread=0x7f98fcee10c0: commandForThread=0, nextIdle=(nil), requestAfterThread=0, _tpfd=0x7f98fce52000, writeCorkCount=0, terminateCallback=(nil), ioError=No error, lastError=No error, terminateError=No error
giveCmd @0x7f98fcee11f0: _queuedOn=(nil), ran=N, wantWake=N, wantFailIfLoopDone=N, cmd=0, ok=Y, chan=(nil)
writeDataAvail @0x7f98fcee1258: _queuedOn=(nil), ran=N, wantWake=N, wantFailIfLoopDone=N, chan=(nil)
wbuf: ptr=0x7f98fcee1300, size=0x8000, rptr=0x0, wptr=0x0

First 512 bytes of PolledFd object @0x7f98e49fa140:
00000000  a8 8e db 95 f7 55 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |.....U..........|
00000010  40 d7 e8 95 f7 55 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |@....U..........|
00000020  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  77 00 00 00 6f 00 00 00  |........w...o...|
00000040  c0 b6 9f f7 98 7f 00 00  1b 20 00 00 00 00 00 00  |......... ......|
00000050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000060  e8 d8 db 95 f7 55 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |.....U..........|
00000070  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000080  f8 a6 ff d9 98 7f 00 00  69 37 05 00 00 00 00 00  |........i7......|
00000090  f7 d0 f7 05 00 00 00 00  a0 86 01 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000000a0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  40 a1 9f e4 98 7f 00 00  |........@.......|
000000b0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  f0 a6 ff d9 98 7f 00 00  |................|
000000c0  c0 f3 30 01 99 7f 00 00  00 5c 9d e4 98 7f 00 00  |..0......\......|
000000d0  01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  28 a2 9f e4 98 7f 00 00  |........(.......|
000000e0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000000f0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000100  50 a2 9f e4 98 7f 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |P...............|
00000110  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000120  18 20 00 00 1b 20 00 00  e0 2e 00 00 00 00 00 00  |. ... ..........|
00000130  a0 86 01 00 00 00 00 00  a0 86 01 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000140  d0 07 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000150  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000160  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000170  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000180  c8 a2 9f e4 98 7f 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
00000190  90 f8 e8 95 f7 55 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |.....U..........|
000001a0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
000001b0  f9 02 00 00 00 00 00 00  48 54 54 50 2f 31 2e 31  |........HTTP/1.1|
000001c0  20 33 30 32 20 46 6f 75  6e 64 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74  | 302 Found..Cont|
000001d0  65 6e 74 2d 54 79 70 65  3a 20 74 65 78 74 2f 68  |ent-Type: text/h|
000001e0  74 6d 6c 3b 20 63 68 61  72 73 65 74 3d 75 74 66  |tml; charset=utf|
000001f0  2d 38 0d 0a 44 61 74 65  3a 20 4d 6f 6e 2c 20 31  |-8..Date: Mon, 1|
TcpClientConnection:  peer=, port=8080In TcpOutputLoop 0x7f98e49fa140, _toloopp=0x7f98d9ffa6f0, _tstate=1, no async write data, isTerminated=N, destLoop=(nil), c/r/w/s timeouts=12.000/100.000/100.000/2.000, paused=0, timeout_count=0, ssl_shutdown_returned_zero=N
SSL: version="TLSv1.2", state="SSL negotiation finished successfully", cipher="ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", compression="none"

serr: No error, _wantEvents=8216, _setEvents=8219
rbuf: ptr=0x7f98e49fa2f8, size=0x4000, rptr=0x0, wptr=0x2F9
HttpClientConnection: _hc_state=12, _gunzip_initialized=N  _had_previous_transactions=Y, _can_reuse_connection=Y
ApplicationUpdateTransaction: file="/opt/splunk/var/run/72df7b140401f356.tar.gz", failureStr="", open=N
HttpClientTransaction: Connecting to host=
Request details: GET
    X-Auth-Token: qsnphp8s53wjayowkznio67oej8j6od7
  _lastError=No error, _terminateEloopAfter=Y
  _connect_done=Y, _addrElem=0, _connectErrorPriority=0, _resolveError=""
  _useHttp11=Y, _allowTrailers=Y, _use_idle_connection=Y, _avoid_idle_connection_for_next_only=N, _last_on_connection=N, _send_content_type_even_if_no_body=N, _sniToSend=""
  _interpret_redirects=Y, _redirects_left=29, _redirectReply=2
  _doneSendingRequestData=N, _requestBytesExpected=0
  RESPONSE: HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 01:38:23 GMT
    Server: Apache
    Vary: Cookie
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: keep-alive
  _bytesRx=0, _maybeCompressedBytesRx=0, _bytesExpected=0, _maxResponseSize=576460752303423487
  _acceptAndPass=identity, _acceptAndDecompress=identity, _activeDecompressPolicy=0, _remoteIndicatedCompression=identity
  _connectTimeout=10.000, _readTimeout=100.000, _writeTimeout=100.000
TcpClientConnectionPool: allowSsl=Y, _idleCount=0, _maxIdle=25, _addressOrder=0
  _sslShutdownTimeout=2.000, _idleTimeout=28.000, _idle_connection_trimmer_scheduled=N

x86 CPUID registers:
         0: 0000000D 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
         1: 00000F61 04020800 FFFA3203 1F8BFBFF
         2: 00000001 00000000 0000004D 002C307D
         3: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
         4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
         5: 00000000 00000000 00000003 00000000
         6: 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000
         7: 00000000 D09F4FBB 00000000 8C000000
         8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
         9: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
         A: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
         B: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
         C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
         😧 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  80000000: 80000008 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
  80000001: 00000F61 00000000 00000121 2C100800
  80000002: 65746E49 2952286C 6F655820 2952286E
  80000003: 6C695320 20726576 38303134 55504320
  80000004: 31204020 4730382E 00007A48 00000000
  80000005: 01FF01FF 01FF01FF 40020140 40020140
  80000006: 00000000 42004200 02008140 00808140
  80000007: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  80000008: 0000302E 00000000 00000001 00000000


0 Karma


Report the crash to Splunk.  They will know how to interpret the log.

Neither of the warning messages cited should prevent Splunk from starting.  What did you see in splunkd_stderr?

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Lots

@richgalloway wrote:

What did you see in splunkd_stderr?


2021-04-12 10:35:29.548 +1000 splunkd started (build 63079c59e632) pid=49755
2021-04-12 10:38:00.792 +1000 Interrupt signal received sent by PID 50353, command="./splunk stop" (UID 1000, same as my group)
2021-04-12 10:38:56.510 +1000 splunkd started (build 63079c59e632) pid=50457
2021-04-12 10:41:42.554 +1000 Interrupt signal received sent by PID 51069, command="./splunk stop" (UID 1000, same as my group)
2021-04-12 10:43:06.695 +1000 splunkd started (build 63079c59e632) pid=51196
splunkd: /opt/splunk/src/util/HttpClientRequest.cpp:1934: void HttpClientTransaction::_handleRedirect(): Assertion `_redirectReply == REPLY_EATING_NORMAL' failed.
2021-04-12 11:32:51.519 +1000 splunkd started (build 63079c59e632) pid=51854
splunkd: /opt/splunk/src/util/HttpClientRequest.cpp:1934: void HttpClientTransaction::_handleRedirect(): Assertion `_redirectReply == REPLY_EATING_NORMAL' failed.



@richgalloway wrote:

Report the crash to Splunk. 

How can I report? I don't have a support plan and using the free version.



0 Karma


You can't ask Splunk for support without a support plan.  Sorry.

Try removing the TA you added.  It could be preventing Splunk from starting.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
0 Karma

Loves-to-Learn Lots

Thats the thing. I am not able to install from Splunk web.

I have no issues starting the service. It crashes when attempting to install add-on(s).


0 Karma
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