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My events have no host value!

Path Finder

I'm configuring the DB Connect app (v3.1.1) with the SQL Server TA (v1.3.0) on a Heavy Forwarder (Splunk v6.6.5) in order to pull DMV data from our SQL environment. I'm using the default query templates.

All of the queries return data to the HF. However, 5 of them send their data to the Indexers with no host value (only source and sourcetype). Sample Splunk event:

2:36:48.340 PM

2018-08-01 14:36:48.340, object_name="MSSQL$ABCQ1:Memory Broker Clerks ", counter_name="Pressure evictions (pages/sec) ", instance_name="Column store object pool ", cntr_value="0", cntr_type="272696576", max_connection="32767", DatabaseName="master", ServerName="SRVSQLVQ4\ABCQ1"
source = sys.dm_os_performance_counters sourcetype = mssql:os:dm_os_performance_counters tag = database tag = performance

Has anyone seen this before?

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Did you ever get a solution to this? I just recently set up this TA and while I hadn't pinpointed it to the specific queries you seemed to have identified, I do that that I am only getting a host field from ~90% of my events which is terrible.

0 Karma


I'm not familiar with SQL Server, but you could join to a query similar to this in your db connect inputs to get the hostname (I know, horrible work-around, but we do something similar to get the database instance name):


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0 Karma


Have you checked for errors in the logs? for instance, this one ?

0 Karma

Path Finder

I did not update $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_microsoft-sqlserver/default/transforms.conf because this TA lives on a Heavy Forwarder and that path is correct.

I do not see any errors in the logs, either on the HF or Indexers.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Note: I tried to manually set the host value via the app configuration, but events still do not have a host in Splunk.

0 Karma
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