I would like to modify some use cases provided by default in SSE, i tried to do it via the gui but it doesn't work.
When browsing app files, i noticed that cases information is stored in multiple json files which i tried to modify but this didn't changed in the gui. Is there any way to do it ?
Also, i tried to add custom content, it is possible from the gui but i have many rules to add, is there any file (like savedsearch.conf for example) that enables loading all the rules and other components like the MITRE, description at once unstead of doing it one by one in the gui ?
Thank you
One does not modify the queries SSE. They're just examples, anyway. Copy the queries into your own app and make your changes there.
One does not modify the queries SSE. They're just examples, anyway. Copy the queries into your own app and make your changes there.
There are cases where Splunk Essentials is not able to find the data using the pre-configured Data Source Check queries. Are you saying that the solution to that is to replicate the whole application and make changes there? Maybe that's not exactly throwing the wheel away and starting all over again, but it seems pretty close.
Thank you for the answer !