2019-12-18 03:05:53.999, eventid="357374258", eventuei="uei.opennms.org/thresholds/bgpPeerState/XOM-rearm", nodeid="726", eventtime="2019-12-18 03:05:53.999+00", ipaddr="", eventlogmsg="Peering Lost Cleared in device: USBRO-WANRTC001, peer:", eventseverity="3", alarmid="19899391", nodelabel="USBRO-WANRTC001"
2019-12-18 02:58:54.041, eventid="357357158", eventuei="uei.opennms.org/thresholds/bgpPeerState/XOM-falling", nodeid="726", eventtime="2019-12-18 02:58:54.041+00", ipaddr="", eventlogmsg="USBRO-WANRTC001: Peering Lost in device, peer:", eventseverity="7", alarmid="19899391", nodelabel="USBRO-WANRTC001"
I have the above 2 events from single index.
Eventuei is the comparison parameter here. Based on time it should compare.
This is a BGP peering status event from a device.
based on time if only "uei.opennms.org/thresholds/bgpPeerState/XOM-falling" is there, It should show STATUS : DOWN.
If "uei.opennms.org/thresholds/bgpPeerState/XOM-rearm" came after "uei.opennms.org/thresholds/bgpPeerState/XOM-falling" in terms of time STATUS : UP should show.
This can be done by setting a Status field based on the Eventuei value. Then dedup by nodeid (or another field unique to each device). The remaining events contain the last status of each device.
index=foo ("XOM-rearm" OR "XOM-failing")
| eval Status=case(match(eventuei, "XOM-rearm"), "UP", match(eventuei, "XOM-failing"), "DOWN", 1==1, "unknown")
| dedup nodeid
| table nodeid Status
This can be done by setting a Status field based on the Eventuei value. Then dedup by nodeid (or another field unique to each device). The remaining events contain the last status of each device.
index=foo ("XOM-rearm" OR "XOM-failing")
| eval Status=case(match(eventuei, "XOM-rearm"), "UP", match(eventuei, "XOM-failing"), "DOWN", 1==1, "unknown")
| dedup nodeid
| table nodeid Status