I have many PCAP files that have been collected in multiple locations, and stored them under /data/pcap directory of my Splunk instance.
I want to batch read or monitor the specified directory to read all the PCAP files under the directory.
Can I do this using Stream App or any other method?
Stream TA (streamfwd binary) can process pcap files using CLI - see http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/StreamApp/6.3.2/DeployStreamApp/streamfwdcommandlineoptions . You can wrap this command line into a shell script that that iterates over all *.pcap files in a directory for batch processing.
Stream TA (streamfwd binary) can process pcap files using CLI - see http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/StreamApp/6.3.2/DeployStreamApp/streamfwdcommandlineoptions . You can wrap this command line into a shell script that that iterates over all *.pcap files in a directory for batch processing.
FYI, I ended up with converting PCAP dump file into XML, and put the XML into batch (sinkhole) directory...