This is the only error that I get, no further information, and so far i haven't been able to run the python from the cli to see if I can get any more information. I have pinned splunkweb to TLS1.2 for quite a while, have had no other issues. My ldap authentication for splunkweb is functioning fine. I don't see this error on answers, and I am confused.
I had suspected that this was a Cert issue, but after doing a lot of checking, I believe it is an issue with the SA-ldapsearch configs.
It appears that even though server.conf understands "tls1.2" as an sslVersion= value for the sslConfig stanza, SA-ldapsearch does NOT. I changed, in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/SA-ldapsearch/local/ssl.conf to have:
and everthing is working. I would like to request an enhancement to SA-ldapsearch such that it understands the sslVersion string of tls1.2
If you edit SA-ldapsearch/bin/packages/app/ you can fix the error:
Lines 291-292:
291 elif not protocol_set.symmetric_difference(('tls1.0',)):
292 version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1
append the following (do not include the line numbers):
293 elif not protocol_set.symmetric_difference(('tls1.2',)):
294 version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1
For completeness you might want to add a test for tls1.1, this doesn't apply in my case.
If you edit SA-ldapsearch/bin/packages/app/ you can fix the error:
Lines 291-292:
291 elif not protocol_set.symmetric_difference(('tls1.0',)):
292 version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1
append the following (do not include the line numbers):
293 elif not protocol_set.symmetric_difference(('tls1.2',)):
294 version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1
For completeness you might want to add a test for tls1.1, this doesn't apply in my case.
Thanks a lot for that tip, James. I will deploy and verify that gets rid of the error I was having.