I have a dataset like below:
Date Rsource status
10:00:00 A Success
10:00:00 B Success
10:00:01 A Failure
10:00:02 A Failure
10:00:02 C Failure
10:00:02 B Failure
10:00:02 A Success
10:00:03 B Success
10:00:03 A Failure
10:00:04 A Failure
10:00:04 C Failure
10:00:04 B Failure
I am working on metric where by if we have more than n number of consecutive errors in 30s then those need to be recorded. output in formart like below:
lets say in the above example we need it for more than 2 consecutive errors it should look something like this
Min_Time Max_time resource status count
10:00:01 10:00:02 A 2
10:00:03 10:00:04 A 2
I am trying to use combination of streamstats/eventstats nothing seems working.
any help would be much appreciated.
one of the examples I tried below
| eval OccurenceDate=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| streamstats time_window=30s global=true min(OccurenceDate) as start max(OccurenceDate) as end count as numberofstatus BY status,resource_id reset_on_change=true|table start,end,start,resource,numberofstatus |streamstats first(start) as f_start last(end) as l_end max(numberofstatus) AS max_numberofstatus by code reset_on_change=true| table f_start,l_end,max_numberofstatus,code,resource
Part of the problem is inconsistent use of field names in the query. There's 'resource' and 'resource_id' then "code" appears out of nowhere. Splunk can't produce results from fields that don't exist.
See if this run-anywhere query helps.
|makeresults | eval _raw="Date Rsource status
10:00:00 A Success
10:00:00 B Success
10:00:01 A Failure
10:00:02 A Failure
10:00:02 C Failure
10:00:02 B Failure
10:00:02 A Success
10:00:03 B Success
10:00:03 A Failure
10:00:04 A Failure
10:00:04 C Failure
10:00:04 B Failure" | multikv forceheader=1 | eval _time=strptime(Date, "%H:%M:%S") | sort _time | rename Rsource as resource_id
```Above just sets up test data```
| eval OccurenceDate=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| streamstats time_window=30s global=true min(OccurenceDate) as start max(OccurenceDate) as end count as numberofstatus BY status,resource_id reset_on_change=true
| fields start,end,start,resource_id,numberofstatus,status
| where status="Failure" and numberofstatus>1