index=xyz host=a12fr* sourcetype = alert "A failed" OR "A success"
| head 1
| eval my_time=_time, current=Now()
| eval diff=current-my_time
| where diff>=100 AND like(_raw, "%failed%")
index=xyz host=a12fr* sourcetype = alert "B failed" OR "B success"
| head 1
| eval my_time=_time, current=Now()
| eval diff=current-my_time
| where diff>=100 AND like(_raw, "%failed%")
index=xyz host=a13fr* sourcetype = alert "B failed" OR "B success"
| head 1
| eval my_time=_time, current=Now()
| eval diff=current-my_time
| where diff>=100 AND like(_raw, "%failed%")
index=xyz host=a13fr* sourcetype = alert "A failed" OR "A success"
| head 1
| eval my_time=_time, current=Now()
| eval diff=current-my_time
| where diff>=100 AND like(_raw, "%failed%")
how to consolidate these alert to single alert?
Like this:
index=xyz (host=a12fr* OR host=a13fr*) AND sourcetype = alert AND (("A failed" OR "A success") OR ("B failed" OR "B success"))
| eval which = case(searchmatch("\"A failed\" OR \"A success\""), "A", searchmatch("\"B failed\" OR \"B success\""), "B", true(), "ERROR")
| dedup host which
| eval diff=_time - now()
| where diff>=100 AND like(_raw, "%failed%")
Perhaps I'm missing something, but have you tried the obvious?
index=xyz (host=a12fr* OR host=a13fr*) sourcetype = alert (("A failed" OR "A success") OR ("B failed" OR "B success"))
| eval my_time=_time, current=Now()
| eval diff=current-my_time
| where diff>=100 AND like(_raw, "%failed%")
It can be refined further to this:
index=xyz (host=a12fr* OR host=a13fr*) sourcetype = alert ("A failed" OR "B failed") latest=-100s
if get both failure and success then i not want to display
Then @woodcock has your answer.
Like this:
index=xyz (host=a12fr* OR host=a13fr*) AND sourcetype = alert AND (("A failed" OR "A success") OR ("B failed" OR "B success"))
| eval which = case(searchmatch("\"A failed\" OR \"A success\""), "A", searchmatch("\"B failed\" OR \"B success\""), "B", true(), "ERROR")
| dedup host which
| eval diff=_time - now()
| where diff>=100 AND like(_raw, "%failed%")
i am getting these error
Error in 'eval' command: Typechecking failed. 'OR' only takes boolean arguments.
I edited my answer and fixed that error.
actually the requirement
if i get failure event then success event within 5 should not be noted
if i get only failure event and no success event for last 5 should be noted
if i get only should not be noted
Could you please help me...
I can help but let's move this to another new question and close out this one. Call me out in the new question and I will take a look at it.
Sure woodcock
@woodcock Could you please help
I think you are looking for success or failure, probably evenstats and streamstats could help. From line 3 in woodcock's response, try to change to eventstats and keep 5mins window and you can then do eventstats values(which) by host.
Pls look at and change as per your need.
Is success/failed is captured in any field name?
no its not field name
You could do couple of things?
- assuming your raw event is similar, create a field to extract status - success /failed
- create eventtypes for each pattern . "A failed" OR "A success"
, "B failed" OR "B success" etc..
- and possibly a macro to define hosts, say 'host A OR hostB OR host C etc.. to make search simpler
- then index=xyz (eventtype=A OR eventtype=B) | head .... your search...
- where possible avoid like(_raw, "%failed%") and bring that to your base search (before first pipe).