There have been others that have sent email alerts to recipient email addresses that are defined within each event within the results set. I'm struggling, however, on how to send a subset of the results set to a single email address, then another subset of the results to another.
Here's the (obfuscated) use case. First I need to acquire a set of hosts that have had a certain condition within the past month. For hosts in one geographic location, I'd like to send an e-mail alert to administrator Bob. For hosts in another geographic location, I'd like to send an e-mail alert to administrator Shelly. For hosts in X, send to Y.
Now, if there were just 2 or three admins, separate alerts could be lived with. But what if we have hundreds of locations and hundreds of admins? I'd like a single alert to then send each hosts groups by location to an admin that is defined in a field within the results set. However, I don't want to send each admin an e-mail for each host (each event) in that group, but instead the entire list of hosts in the geography within a single e-mail alert to that admin.
I'm thinking this can only be facilitated with a custom alert action (python scripting), but was wondering if anyone out there has done something similar with the built in email alert functionality and/or via SPL with the sendmail command and/or other SPL tricks.
@pgreer_splunk are you able to do this? I am also trying to do same thing. If yes can you please post answer.
You can find solution in link below, I followed and it works perfectly!
@pgreer_splunk Thanks, But it is not working for me . I did try simple query using map and sendmail but it is also not sending email
do you know what I am missing in below query-
index=_internal|stats count by sourcetype|eval EmailContact=if(sourcetype="splunkd","","")
| outputlookup MyTempLookup.csv| stats values(EmailContact) AS emailToHeader| mvexpand emailToHeader| map search="|inputlookup MyTempLookup.csv | where EmailContact=\"$emailToHeader$\"
| fields - EmailContact
| sendemail
sendresults=true inline=true
subject=\"Your Subject here: \"
message=\"This report alert was generated by \$app\$ Splunk with this search string: \""
Below query shows results but not sending any email.
| stats count by sourcetype
| eval emailToHeader=if(sourcetype="splunkd","","")
| outputlookup MyTempLookup.csv
| stats values(emailToHeader) AS emailToHeader
| mvexpand emailToHeader
| map search="
| inputlookup MyTempLookup.csv
| where emailToHeader=\"$emailToHeader$\"
| fields - emailToHeader
| sendemail
subject=\"Your Subject here: \"
message=\"This report alert was generated by Splunk.\""
When I tried above then also I receive below error in internal log-
ERROR sendemail:1428 - [HTTP 403] Client is not authorized to perform requested action;
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\search\bin\", line 1421, in <module>
results = sendEmail(results, settings, keywords, argvals)
File "D:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\search\bin\", line 400, in sendEmail
jobResponseHeaders, jobResponseBody = simpleRequest(uriToJob, method='GET', getargs={'output_mode':'json'}, sessionKey=sessionKey)
File "D:\Program Files\Splunk\Python-3.7\lib\site-packages\splunk\rest\", line 559, in simpleRequest
raise splunk.AuthorizationFailed(extendedMessages=uri)
splunk.AuthorizationFailed: [HTTP 403] Client is not authorized to perform requested action
Although query return results but unable to send email.