Hello! I'm having this issue of merging data from one sourcetype to another larger sourcetype. Example:
index=ecs_internal (sourcetype=ecs:encode parcel_id=* earliest=-30d@d latest=@d) OR (sourcetype=ecs:input barcode_id=* earliest=-60d@d latest=@d)
| eval parcel_id=if(isnotnull(parcel_id), parcel_id, barcode_id)
| stats latest(*) as *, sum(eval(if(sourcetype=ecs:encode, 1, 0))) as valid by parcel_id
| where valid >= 1
Aim: Display all events in ecs:encode, then lookup latest related information from ecs:input. Basically, only 30% of all events in ecs:input would have data relevant to ecs:encode, thus my search is extremely slow... Join command would not work as I'm having millions of events in both sourcetypes.
Many thanks in advance!
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