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"Being a member of SplunkTrust as well as a User Group Leader enriches my knowledge of Splunk greatly. I am exposed to and learn so much about Splunk that I can be on top of any new features well ahead of the game." - Becky Burwell

The SplunkTrust is comprised of our most dedicated community members. They assist other members, participate in events, demonstrate the power of Splunk's products, and help guide future roadmaps.

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Routing logs with Splunk OTel Collector for Kubernetes

The Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry (OTel) Collector is a product that provides a way to ingest metrics, traces, and logs to the Splunk platform using an HEC. If you are a DevOps Engineer or ...
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New This Month - Observability Updates Give Extended Visibility and Improve User Experience for ...

This month is a collection of special news! From Magic Quadrant updates to AppDynamics integrations to Regional Expansion and feature enhancements, Splunk delivers a new level of observability to ...
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Intro to Splunk Synthetic Monitoring

In our last post, we mentioned that the 3 key pieces of observability – metrics, logs, and traces – provide invaluable backend system insight so that we can detect and resolve failures fast. But how ...
on Community Blog Thursday
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Index This | How would eight eights add up to one thousand?

August 2024 Edition Hayyy Splunk Education Enthusiasts and the Eternally Curious!  We’re back with this month’s edition of indexEducation, the newsletter that takes an untraditional twist on what’s ...
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