Modified Search:
index = xyz
| stats count avg(time_taken) by cs_uri_stem, host
| eval Silo = case(1==1 AND (host=server1 OR host=server3), "Silo1", 1==1 AND (host=server2 OR host=server3), "Silo2", true(), "NULL")
| eval avg(time_taken)=round('avg(time_taken)',2)
| table cs_uri_stem count avg(time_taken) Silo
Tested similar search locally and works
index=XYZ | stats count avg(bytes) by column1 | eval Silo = case(1==1 AND column1="CACHE_MISS", "Silo1", 1==1 AND (column1="CACHE_MEM_HIT" OR column1="CACHE_REVALIDATED_MEM_HIT"), "Silo2", true(), "NULL")
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