Hi @tscroggins, thanks for your answer, in the documentation i have found this configuration: minify_js = False js_no_cache = True cacheEntriesLimit = 0 cacheBytesLimit = 0 enableWebDebug = True and it works. Sometimes not but i go to /debug/refresh and click the refresh button and splunk loads the new version of the js file. But if you have a dashboard like that <dashboard script="MyScript.js">
<search id="MySearch">
query that take some time
<hmtl> <button id="btn">Button </button>
</row> //MyScript
require(["jquery", "splunkjs/mvc", "splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!"], function($, mvc) {
$("#btn").on("click", function() {
// js code
}); Splunk will not load the Jquery part, but if you go on "edit"->"source"->"cancel" without modifiyng anything in the dashboard source code the javascript code works. So the problem maybe is caused because the search (id="MySearch") in the dashboard is executed in an async way? I have read some posts on this topic but i didn't find any solution I have tried require(["jquery", "splunkjs/mvc", "splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!"], function($, mvc) {
$("#MySearch").on("search:done", function(){
$("#btn").on("click", function() {
// js code
}); but nothing
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