You make it sound so easy, but I should say that I'm a Splunk Observability newbie. If I add an APM Detector it doesn't give me many avenues to customise it, and if I create a Custom Detector I seem to be in the area where newbies shouldn't be. However, I tried adding "errors_sudden_static_v2" for the "A" signal, and besides which is an Add Filter button. Is this where I need to "filter for the errors, extract the customerid and count by customerid"? My use case sounds like it should be a fairly common one, so is there an explanatory guide somewhere on doing things like this? I haven't found one yet. If I show the SignalFlow for my APM Detector, this is what it looks like: from signalfx.detectors.apm.errors.static_v2 import static as errors_sudden_static_v2
filter('sf_environment', 'prod')
and (
filter('sf_service', 'my-service-name')
and filter('sf_operation', 'POST /api/{userId}/endpointPath')
.publish('TeamPrefix my-service-name /endpointPath errors') The {userId} in the sf_operation is what I want to group the results on and only alert if a particular userId is generating a high number of errors compared to everybody else. Thank you.
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