Hello community,
I am having a problem with a dashboard that I am setting up based on Splunk OnCall data, in order to see the acknowledgment and resolution times for alerts.
In order to see the resolution period of my alerts, I made a dashboard that shows me the right information:
However, I sometimes have lines with two users displayed, and no more dates:
Looking at the alert in detail, I see that the item I retrieve contains two pieces of information: One for the user who acknowledged the alert, and one for the resolution, always done by the "SYSTEM" user:
In the construction of my research, I cannot "impose" to keep only the "SYSTEM" user when I display the resolved alerts (in the context of acknowledged alerts, it is simpler because I filter the states ACKED upstream):
index="oncall_prod" routingKey=*
| search currentPhase=RESOLVED
| dedup incidentNumber
| rename transitions{}.at as ack, transitions{}.by as Utilisateur, incidentNumber as N_Incident, entityDisplayName as Nom_Incident
| eval create_time = strptime(startTime,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
| eval ack_time = strptime(ack,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
| eval temps_ack = tostring((ack_time - create_time), "duration")
| eval create_time=((create_time)+7200)
| eval ack_time=((ack_time)+7200)
| eval Debut_Incident = strftime(create_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ")
| eval Traitement = strftime(ack_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ")
| eval temps_ack = strftime(strptime(temps_ack, "%H:%M:%S"), "%H:%M:%S ")
| rename temps_ack as Temps_Traitement
| table N_Incident, Nom_Incident, Debut_Incident, Traitement, Temps_Traitement, Utilisateur
Do you have any idea what changes I need to make to successfully see only the user linked to the resolution? I'm sure it's a stupid thing but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Best regards,
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