Dear @phanTom, we already evaluated that way. Customizing the Graph app (which app exactly?) is a way we considered already but we do not like it. Customizing the app means to not be subjected to updates of the app itself or, equivalently, it means that we must customize every new version of the app. This is something that we do not prefer. For what concerns the use of the HTTP app, if you consider that: it supports OAuth; OAuth is the authentication/authorization method accepted also by Azure/Graph ( We can just translate the problem into: why the HTTP app does not work with OAuth if it says that it is supported? What seems to be missing in the app, is the possibility to specify a payload for the POST request that retrieves the authentication token. In the following screenshot (taken from the URL reported above), you can observe a sample payload and a sample answer: For this reason, the question "why the HTTP app does not work with OAuth if it says that it is supported?" becomes "how to specify the payload for the OAuth POST request in the HTTP app?" or, equivalently, "why there is no possibility to specify a payload for the OAUTH POST request?" Thank you in advance!
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