Hi Splunkers,
I was wondering if this is possible on tstats command. Get the dynamic value from savedsearch result or lookup? savedsearch or lookup is updating every hour.
| tstats max(_time) as last_updated WHERE index=* BY index, host
To avoid wildcard.. I was thinking it will be efficient if that is possible.
Appreciate any response.. Thanks!
Hi, maybe something like
|tstats count where [|makeresults | eval index="_internal"|fields index] by index, host
That subsearch can return a field named index which then gets used for tstats. Hope this helps.
Hi, maybe something like
|tstats count where [|makeresults | eval index="_internal"|fields index] by index, host
That subsearch can return a field named index which then gets used for tstats. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much @rymundo_splunk it works!