User receiving duplicated field names in splunk result for example when i run a search i get an output for the field1=Value1
and then when the user runs the same search he gets an output of
field1 = "field1=value1"
Does any one knows what i need to do to help the user get the same result as mine
If the same search on the same data ran within the same app (are you running both searches from the same app?) yields different results for two different users there must be some difference in configuration. It can be either due to one of the users having custom settings defined on a per user level or difference in permissions to the app the settings (probably either extractions or calculated fields) are defined in.
Compare settings for relevant sourcetype with app and user context using btool.
Did you create any custom field extraction? If so, check if the field extraction's permissions are set to "global." It might currently be private to you, which could explain why only you're getting the correct results.
Hi @whitecat001 ... this looks like a mistaken eval field assignment or table printing issue.
pls share with us your search query(remove any sensitive details) and/or the other user's search query.
then troubleshooting this will become easy one, thanks.