Splunk Search

Transforming Commands


I'm having issue with a search of mine. I've been trying to organize the matrix so that it will be ready for my pivot and then eventually a dashboard visual, but there are three columns that seem to be troublesome. 

It seem as though my eval command is only working with one of the start_DateNo and returning results for only one instance (see pictorial below). Is there a order of operations that I'm missing with my formula, or is there a better command to get the data to what I want? In addition it seems like my "slaName" isn't being reflected accurately as well. 

Below I have a snip-it of the error, and then a row/column matrix goal to what I'm ultimately trying to get the data to. 





keyteam_namestart_DateNostart_weekNostart_yearNoslaName  UNIQUE_SLA_Count
ADVANA-104ADVANA2020-6-112420DSDE Pending Approval SLAADVANA-104 / 24 / 20 / DSDE Pending Approval SLA
ADVANA-104ADVANA2020-6-112420DSDE Ready to Start SLAADVANA-104 / 24 / 20 / DSDE Ready to Start SLA
ADVANA-104ADVANA2021-5-141921DSDE In Progress SLAADVANA-104 / 19 / 21 / DSDE In Progress SLA


Any help would be much appreciated, I've been going back a forth for a few hours now trying to get this to where I need it. 


For editing purposes, here is the SPL from the picture above:

index=jira sourcetype="jira:sla:json" OR sourcetype="jira:issues:json"
| rex field=startDate "(?P<start_DateNo>\d+-\d+-\d+)"
| rex field=startDate "(?P<start_TimeNo>\d+:\d+:\d+)"
| eval start_weekNo=strftime(strptime(start_DateNo,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%V")
| eval start_yearNo=strftime(strptime(start_DateNo,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%y")
| eval key=coalesce(key,issueKey)
| stats values(team_name) as team_name values(start_DateNo) as start_DateNo values(start_weekNo) as start_weekNo values(start_yearNo) as start_yearNo values(slaName) as slaName values(fields.status.name) as fields.status.name by key
| mvexpand slaName
| mvexpand start_DateNo
| mvexpand start_weekNo
| mvexpand start_yearNo
| where team_name="ADVANA" | where key="ADVANA-104"
| strcat key " / " start_weekNo " / " start_yearNo " / " slaName UNIQUE_SLA_Count | search UNIQUE_SLA_Count="ADVANA-104 / 19 / 20 / DSDE Pending Approval SLA "


Thank you!


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Hi @jbuddy24,

you complicated a search that could be simple (if I correctly understood your need!), please try something like this:

index=jira sourcetype="jira:sla:json" OR sourcetype="jira:issues:json" team_name="ADVANA" (key="ADVANA-104" OR issueKey="ADVANA-104")
| eval
     start_DateNo=strftime(strptime(startDate,"\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+),"\d+-\d+-\d+"),
     start_TimeNo=strftime(strptime(startDate,"\d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+),"\d+:\d+:\d+)"),
| stats 
     values(team_name) as team_name 
     values(key) as key 
     values(start_yearNo) as start_yearNo 
     values(start_weekNo) AS start_weekNo 
     values(fields.status.name) as fields.status.name 
     by slaName start_DateNo 
| eval UNIQUE_SLA_Count=key." / ".start_weekNo." / ".start_yearNo." / ".slaName.UNIQUE_SLA_Count 
| search UNIQUE_SLA_Count="ADVANA-104 / 19 / 20 / DSDE Pending Approval SLA "
| table key team_name start_DateNo start_weekNo start_yearNo slaName fields.status.name



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