Splunk Search

Subtract the Results of one search from another search


Search 1 : index=index_123 (msg="*xyz*") | rex field=msg "results\":{\"(?<abc1>.*)\" *" | stats values(_time) as abc1_time, abc1

Search 1 : index=index_123 (msg="*mnop*") | rex field=msg "results\":{\"(?<abc2>.*)\" *" | stats values(_time) as abc2_time, abc_2

Scenario 1 :

Search 1 gave results : 11:30AM --- 123,  11:40AM --- 345

Search 2 gave results :11:34AM --- 123

I want to subtract ( search 1 - search 2) with time difference less than 3 minutes. so that i should get 123(time greater then 3 mins), 345(No record in search 2).

Labels (1)
0 Karma


Here's an example using streamstats, where a single search is done and the data segregated on what might be your conditions, but hopefully it will help show you a way to achieve what you are trying to do - I expect there is more detail that is needed to solve your question, but see this

| makeresults 
| eval data=split("xyz-123;11:30,xyz-345;11:40,mnop-123;11:34,xyz-678;11:45,mnop-678;11:47",",")
| mvexpand data
| rex field=data "(?<msg>[\w-]+);(?<time>\d+:\d+)"
| fields - data
| eval _time=strptime(time,"%H:%M")
| search (msg="*xyz*" OR msg="*mnop*") 
| eval type=case(match(msg,"xyz"),1,match(msg,"mnop"),2)
| rex field=msg "\w+-(?<id>\d+)"
| streamstats count range(_time) as gap by id
| eventstats dc(type) as types by id
| where ((types=2 AND gap>180) OR (type=1 AND types=1))

It gives your example pair as well as another id 678, where the gap is 2 minutes, so it is ignored. 

Hope this helps


0 Karma

Path Finder


use strptime to convert both time values and push it into two variables.
Then you can subtract these two variables with eval...

0 Karma


@ramkomarapu Can you please share sample events ? 

0 Karma
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