Got 2 searches that searches in MAC address data exported daily:
(1) Get the everyday count of unique MAC addresses for the last week:
sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-7d@d latest=-1d@d
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count1 by DayOfWeek, WoY
(2) To generate a daily average of such counts for the last 8 weeks (EDIT: 7 weeks, actually):
sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-8w@w latest=-1w@w
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count8 by DayOfWeek, WoY
| stats avg(count8) AS Last8WeekAvg by DayOfWeek
Below are result sets for (1) and (2):
DayOfWeek WoY count1
1 1.Mon 22 50041
2 2.Tue 22 49985
3 3.Wed 22 50387
4 4.Thu 22 50026
5 5.Fri 22 49990
6 6.Sat 22 38166
DayOfWeek Last8WeekAvg
1 1.Mon 29481.428571
2 2.Tue 30043.571429
3 3.Wed 31783.714286
4 4.Thu 39884.142857
5 5.Fri 39821.714286
6 6.Sat 27848.857143
7 7.Sun 22013.857143
(3) Now I combine the 2 searches:
sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-7d@d latest=-1d@d
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count1 by DayOfWeek, WoY
| append [ search sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-8w@w latest=-1w@w
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count8 by DayOfWeek, WoY
| stats avg(count8) AS AvgCount by DayOfWeek ]
| stats first(count1) AS LastWeek, first(AvgCount) as Last8WeekAvg by DayOfWeek
The result for Last8WeekAvg changes:
DayOfWeek LastWeek Last8WeekAvg
1 1.Mon 50041 48230.500000
2 2.Tue 49985 49876.000000
3 3.Wed 50387 50140.000000
4 4.Thu 50026 50347.500000
5 5.Fri 49990 49750.666667
6 6.Sat 38166 38134.000000
7 7.Sun 36887.500000
How do I go about debugging a subsearch?
Help and insights would be much appreciated. Thanks.
In trying to debug this issue, I ran this search:
sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-7d@d latest=-1d@d
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count1 by DayOfWeek, WoY
| append [ search sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-9w@w latest=-1w@w
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count8 by DayOfWeek, WoY ]
| stats first(count1) AS LastWeek, values(count8), avg(count8) as Last8WeekAvg by DayOfWeek
The result seems to show that less than 8 weeks were searched in the subsearch:
DayOfWeek LastWeek values(count8) Last8WeekAvg
1 1.Mon 50041 46582 48230.500000
2 2.Tue 49985 49710 49876.000000
3 3.Wed 50387 50088 50140.000000
4 4.Thu 50026 50159 50293.666667
5 5.Fri 49990 49572 49750.666667
6 6.Sat 38166 38088 38134.000000
7 7.Sun 36878 36887.500000
Found this in Splunk Answers:
Now this seems to work as expected:
sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-7d@d latest=-1d@d
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count1 by DayOfWeek, WoY
| append maxtime=600 [ search sourcetype=usertracking earliest=-9w@w latest=-1w@w
| bucket _time span=1d
| dedup umac date_mday
| eval DayOfWeek=strftime(_time, "%u.%a")
| eval WoY=strftime(_time, "%W")
| stats count AS count8 by DayOfWeek, WoY ]
| stats first(count1) AS LastWeek, avg(count8) as Last8WeekAvg by DayOfWeek
Of course, bmacias84 is right about summary indexing when efficiency is needed.
Use the search job inspector to debug your searches. Also it possible that you are hitting an events limit which will cause events to be truncated. By default splunk limits maxresultrows to 50k and subsearch results to 10.5k. Take a look at the limits.conf searchresults and subsearch stanzas. Be careful when modifying your limits.conf files as this can cause instabilities.
Also consider using summary indexing. This will speed up your searches and allowing you to retain data longer.
Additional Reading:
Hope this help or gets you started. Don’t forget to accept and vote up answers that help.
Subsearches can get you in trouble with large data sets. Thats why I perfer Summary indexing things like this.
I guess it may be because of this: "[subsearch]: Search auto-finalized after time limit (60 seconds) reached." -- somehow I missed that message earlier.
Thanks. I did a bit of debugging and edited my post above. Will try more.